Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Media Conceal—or Celebrate—Depriving Syrians of Food and Medicine

by Gregory Shupak, published on Fairness and Accuracy in Media, July 14, 2020 Late last month, the latest round of United States sanctions, known as the Caesar Act, took effect against Syria, a country already in a dire situation after nine years of war and sanctions. Covid-19 and an economic crisis in Lebanon, a financial lifeline for Syrian civilians that[…]

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Hypocrisy of US, Allies in the UNSC and AI Regarding Aid to ‘The Syrian People’

Statement from Syria Solidarity Movement On July 11, the United Nations Security Council passed a resolution presented by Germany and Belgium that would permit one border crossing from Turkey into Syria’s Idlib province for a US- backed UNSC aid program. The United States has been battling with China and Russia for a resolution increasing the number of gateways for cross-border[…]

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Propaganda Won’t Get Rid of Trump

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, July 15, 2020 The biggest threat to Biden’s chances is the continuing suppression of black votes and the refusal of the Democrats to do anything about it.. “The Democrats’ effort to sell the lackluster and problematic Joe Biden involves telling some outright lies.” “Biden will win in a landslide.” “Trump will quit[…]

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The Great American Firewall

by Danny Haiphong, published on Black Agenda Report, July15, 2020 It should not surprise anyone that China would take protective measures against the threat of U.S. imperialism in the realm of cyber technology. “Censorship in the United States is rampant but the Great American Firewall is rarely discussed.” The Great Firewall in China is a hot button subject that unites[…]

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Fifteen Reasons to Support The BDS Movement for Justice In Palestine

by Palestinian BDS National Movement Fifteen Reasons to support the BDS movement for Palestinian rights on its 15th anniversary: Because BDS is an ethical appeal from the largest coalition of Palestinians living under Israel’s military occupation, apartheid, and denial of refugees’ right. Because BDS works! Because I believe in a world with equal rights for all and not privileges for[…]

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10 Reasons Why Defunding the Police Should Lead to Defunding War

by Medea Benjamin & Zoltán Grossman, published on Consortium News, July 15, 2020 Since George Floyd was murdered, we have seen an increasing convergence of the “war at home” against black and brown people with the “wars abroad” that the U.S. has waged against people in other countries. Army and National Guard troops have been deployed in U.S. cities, as[…]

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Bipartisan Torpedo Strikes Troop Reduction In Afghanistan

by Manlio Dinucci, published on Global Research, July 10, 2020 Bankruptcy budget for the USA also from a political-military point of view: most of the territory is now controlled by the Taliban or disputed between them and the Governmental Forces supported by NATO. After lengthy negotiations, the Trump administration concluded an agreement with the Taliban last February against this background,[…]

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