Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Churchill, Columbus and Leopold Fall Down

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, June 17, 2020 Millions of white people glorify mass murderers because their sense of identity and place in society is deeply tied to white supremacy. “It is important to name and shame the mass murderers.” The perpetrators of crimes against humanity are often elevated to positions of respect and admiration. It all depends[…]

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Police Violence And Racism Have Always Been Tools Of Capitalism

by Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, published on Popular Resistance, June 21, 2020 The system-wide challenges the United States faces with policing are entrenched and deeply rooted. When the historical and current practices of police are examined, it is evident police have been designed to uphold the status quo including racial injustice and class inequality. Whenever political movements develop to[…]

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CHOP Seattle: Imagining the police-free future

by Joshua Hanks, published on Workers World, June 16, 2020 In the wake of George Floyd’s murder at the hands of Minneapolis police May 25, demonstrations, protests, marches, rallies and rebellions have spread across the U.S. This is now the largest display of civil unrest in decades, a true revolt against the racist police state that has occupied this stolen[…]

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Community Control of Police – and a Whole Lot More

by Glen Ford, published on Black Agenda Report, June 18, 2020 Abolition of the police begins with community control, in which community representatives not only hire, fire and oversee the cops, but decide the nature of the policing that is necessary and acceptable. “Movements are about amassing power to the people, not collecting promises from corporate flunkies.” The wave of[…]

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U.S. Fight Against Racism and Repression Reaches New Heights

by Jeff Mackler, published on Socialist Action, June 14, 2020 For three weeks now, in 2,000 cities and towns across the country, unprecedented, massive, multi-racial, daily mobilizations against the ingrained institutional racism that permeates every aspect U.S. society have exploded in scope and intensity. In Washington, D.C., the world witnessed the spectacle of united Black, white and Latinx working people,[…]

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Hong Kong’s Pro Democracy Movement Allied with Right Wing Against BLM

by Ajit Singh, published on The Grayzone, June 9, 2020 A leading Hong Kong “pro-democracy” figure, Jimmy Lai, has denounced nationwide protests in the United States against police brutality and systemic racism, which were sparked by the police killing of an African-American man, George Floyd. Lai’s views reflect a significant segment of the city’s protest movement, who affirm the exceptionalist[…]

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Defiance Against US Dollar War and Caesar Act Sanctions

by Hassan Nasrallah, published on Centre for Counter Hegemonic Studies, June 16, 2020 Extract from the translation of a speech on June 16, 2020.   He is talking about the effects of the increasing US economic war on Lebanon (and also Syria).  This is interesting as it is an international reflection of the struggles of domestic resistance to the US racist[…]

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35 Years After the MOVE Bombing . . .

by Betsey Piette, published on Workers World, June 15, 2020 Philadelphia A protest against Philadelphia Police Terror on June 13 drew around 1,500 demonstrators to the Osage Avenue site where Philadelphia police dropped a military-grade bomb on the MOVE organization on May 13, 1985.  Eleven Black men, women and children were murdered after police and city officials ordered fire fighters[…]

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