Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

US and Qatari Regime Change Deception Produced ‘Caesar’ Sanctions Driving Syria Towards Famine

by Max Blumenthal, published on The Grayzone, 6/25/2020 Like the mysterious figure it is named for, the Caesar sanctions bill is the product of an elaborate deception by shadowy US- and Gulf-backed operatives. Instead of protecting Syrian civilians, the unilateral measures are driving them towards hunger and death. The US Department of Treasury’s imposition this June of the so-called Caesar Civilian[…]

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How Racism Is an Essential Tool for Maintaining the Capitalist Order

by Richard D. Wolff, published on Brave New Europe, June 24, 2020 U.S. capitalism survived because it found a solution to the basic problem of its instability, its business cycles. Since capitalism never could end cyclical downturns and their awful effects, its survival required making those effects somehow socially tolerable. Systemic racism survived in the post-Civil War United States partly[…]

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Masters of Space: Deep Space Strategy in the Age of Trump

by Karl Grossman, published on CounterPunch, June 25, 2020 The United States “must be capable of winning wars that extend into space,” asserts a just-released “Defense Space Strategy” report. It is the first space strategy document issued by the U.S. since President Donald Trump, after declaring that the U.S. must achieve “dominance in space,” signed a measure this past December[…]

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Demonstrators Demand Removal of Racist Monuments and Confederate flags

by Malik Miah, published on Socialist Action, June 19, 2020 The rebellion against police violence and murder continues to expand. There are new demands on other issues against institutional racism by Black and Brown people and in opposition to the symbols of white genocide by the Native American nations. The demonstrators are demanding removal of symbols, monuments and flags of[…]

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Journalist Julian Assange Charged with New American Indictment

by Dr. Leon Tressel, published on Global Research, June 26, 2020 On 24 June a US Federal Grad Jury issued a second superseding indictment against Journalist Julian Assange. The new indictment incorporates the 18 charges from the first indictment and seeks to ‘broaden the scope of the conspiracy’ and asserts that Assange and Wikileaks tried to recruit hackers for the[…]

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Biden And His Ventriloquists Keep Out-Hawking Trump

by Caitlin Johnstone, published on Consortium News, June 23, 2020 Joe Biden keeps trying to out-warmonger Donald Trump, and by Joe Biden I of course mean the team of handlers who are animating the dementia-ravaged corpse of the Biden campaign like a ventriloquist operating a wooden dummy. In response to Trump suggesting an openness to scaling back his administration’s murderous Venezuela policy and meeting[…]

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Seize the Time or Face Fascism

by Riva Enteen, published on Black Agenda Report, June 24, 2020 Either we seize the time and bring power to the people, or we must be prepared to face overt fascism. “We are living in a perfect storm.” As a red diaper baby who came of age in the ’60s, I think this is a unique and fertile moment.  For[…]

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Finishing the Unfinished Revolution — from Reconstruction to Black Lives Matter

by Larry Holmes, published on Workers World, June 22, 2020 The following is a slightly edited talk given June 19 by Larry Holmes, Workers World Party First Secretary, during the WWP webinar on “Juneteenth and the Black Lives Matter Rebellion.” This Juneteenth is probably going to be one of the biggest Juneteenths in a long, long time.  That’s because of[…]

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New Alliance Against China: D-10 Countries Threatened By China Unite Against It

by Vijay Prashad, published on Frontline, June 19, 2020 US Allies Unite Against China’s Growth As Global Economic Power. The Donald Trump administration’s trade war against China, occasioned by anxiety over the latter’s scientific and technological advances, is set to deepen in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. In late May, Prime Minister Boris Johnson of the United Kingdom floated the idea[…]

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