Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Greenwashing Acts of Land-Grabbing

by Phoebe Holmes, published on Consortium News, March 15, 2021 Mozambique has been labeled by pro-capitalist actors as one of the most “promising” African countries for an economically successful biofuels sector. The country’s apparent underutilization of its agricultural landscape, and combined abundance of low-cost labor, aligns perfectly with the biofuels investment profile devised by international institutions such as the World Bank.[…]

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Ten Years Ago U.S.-NATO Forces Demolished Libya

by Manlio Dinucci, published on Workers World, March 19, 2021 Ten years ago, on March 19, 2011, U.S.-NATO forces began the air and sea bombardment of Libya. The war was directed by the United States, first through its Africa Command, then through NATO under U.S. command. In seven months, the U.S.-NATO air force carried out 30,000 sorties, 10,000 of which[…]

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Peace Delegation Visits Nicaragua To Explore Impact Of US Sanctions

by Margaret Flowers, published on Popular Resistance, March 15, 2021 For the next two weeks, I am in Nicaragua on the first delegation organized by the Sanctions Kill coalition and the Friends of the ATC (Asociacion de Trabajadores del Campo – Association of Rural Workers) to study the impact of sanctions imposed by the United States on Nicaragua and learn[…]

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18 Years Ago Today the US War on Iraq Began

by Ann Wright, published on Consortium News, March 19, 2021 March 19 is the 18th anniversary of the U.S. government’s political decision to invade and occupy oil-rich, Arab/Muslim Iraq, a country of 32 million people. U.S. elected officials and their advisers decided it would be in the U.S. national security interest to attack and overthrow the Iraqi government. We saw how[…]

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Death TV

by Alex Adams, published on Global Research, March 10, 2021 For those of us who have no direct experience of drone warfare, popular culture is one of the major ways that we come to understand what is at stake in UAV operations. Movies, novels, TV and other cultural forms can inform our ideas about drone warfare just as much as,[…]

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Ending Poverty in the United States

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, March 17, 2021 President Franklin Roosevelt made profound changes in the US political-economic structure, while Joe Biden only does temporary patchwork on the late-stage capitalist carcass. “There isn’t even a pretense of ending poverty in the United States.” The propaganda campaign is in high gear on behalf of Joe Biden and the[…]

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Day of the Drone

by Conn Hallinan, published on Counterpunch, March 16, 2021 In the aftermath of the recent war between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the Nagorno-Karabakh region, drone warfare is being touted as the latest breakthrough in military technology, a “magic bullet” that makes armored vehicles obsolete, defeats sophisticated anti-aircraft systems, and rout entrenched infantry. While there is some truth in the hype,[…]

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New Cold War is Built on Interventionist Humanitarian Lies and Dismissal of War Crimes

by Danny Haiphong, published on Black Agenda Report, March 17, 2021 To manufacture consent for its own constant aggressions the US claims its competitors are guilty of even greater crimes – sheer inventions that never happened. “Humanitarian interventionist lies represent the most dangerous form of misinformation currently fueling the U.S.’s New Cold War.” A revolutionary’s first commitment is to the[…]

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U.S. calls Europe to Arms Against China, Russia

by Manlio Dinucci, published on Workers World, March 12, 2021 The EU-China Agreement on investments, signed Dec. 30 by the European Commission, may be rejected by members of the European Parliament on the grounds that Beijing violates human rights. This is the pretext behind which the real reason is hidden: the growing pressure exerted by the United States on Europe[…]

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The Necessity of Dismantling the U.S.—A conversation with Ajamu Baraka

by Kollibri terre Sonnenblume, published on Counterpunch, March 12, 2021 On February 26th, I interviewed Ajamu Baraka for my podcast. Baraka is a veteran grassroots organizer whose roots are in the Black Liberation Movement and anti-apartheid and Central American solidarity struggles. He is an internationally recognized leader of the emerging human rights movement in the U.S. and has been at[…]

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