Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Address the Global Public Health Crisis: Ban Glyphosate Now!

by Colin Todhunter, published on Countercurrents, September 6, 2021 Glyphosate is usually marketed as Roundup and paired with GMO seeds from Monsanto, recently bought out by Bayer, another multinational purveyor of toxins.   Farmers spray massive quantities of this deadly substance which attacks your kidneys and liver and causes cancer, on their crops.   It is marketed to homeowners, landlords and businesses[…]

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The Hell That is Haiti

by Marty Goodman, published on Socialist Action, September 12, 2021 Haiti is being hit by an unending series of natural and human-made disasters – seemingly all at once. The assassination on July 7 of its president Jouvenel Moise; an Aug. 14 earthquake; tropical storms; rampaging gang violence and a COVID crisis in a society tortured by extreme poverty and inequality.[…]

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IAEA Feeds Hysteria Over Iran’s Nuclear Enrichment Program

by Jason Ditz, published on, September 7, 2021 IAEA report complains about lack of a new monitoring agreement. The IAEA is continuing to offer misleading reports on Iran’s nuclear program, giving false impressions of rapid growth of the uranium stockpiles built around counting the rate of growth of trivially small segments. Tuesday’s report both centers on Iran’s 60% enriched[…]

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The U.S. is Waging Domestic War and Preparing for More

by Ajamu Baraka, published on Black Agenda Report, September 8, 2021 A new report on cost of US domestic and international militarization brings the domestic situation into sharp focus. The US ruling elite appears to be preparing for one of three scenarios in the near future: system collapse, a fascist response, or a radical left turn toward a non-capitalist politics.[…]

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The struggle to free Alex Saab continues

by Sara Flounders, published on Workers World, September 10, 2021 Despite delays, legal appeals, protests, formal delegations and petitions signed by many thousands, the United States has continued to demand the extradition of Alex Saab. He is being held imprisoned in the small nation of Cabo Verde. Saab was abducted by order of the U.S., when his plane stopped for[…]

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Cuba Creates and Reinvents Itself

by Angel Guerra Cabrera, published on Resumen, September 2, 2021 The Cuban Revolution has emerged strengthened once again from another ferocious onslaught by the United States, which sought to provoke a social explosion and the overthrow of the revolutionary project by force.   The media scoundrels have spoken of peaceful protests but many videos show scenes of violence and looting against[…]

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Hands off Cuba!

Statement from The U.S. Peace Council, July 14, 2021 The recent protests in Cuba over deteriorating conditions have a material basis that cannot be dismissed. No matter how heroic a people may be, socialism must provide for people’s material needs. The U.S. blockade of Cuba is designed precisely to thwart that and to discredit socialism in Cuba and anywhere else[…]

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