Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Covid-10 and America: The Fire This Time

by Wilmer, J. Leon III, published on Black Agenda Report, May 6, 2020 It is immoral if not criminal for the US to increase sanctions through its “maximum pressure campaigns” against Venezuela, Iran, Cuba and Palestine. “Weaponizing disease for political purposes to bring about regime change is the same as germ warfare and should be considered a crime against humanity.” Time[…]

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A Decaying Empire: Residual Terrorism and Barbaric Fundamentalism

by Stella Calloni, published by Internationalist 360°, May 1, 2020 The attack against the headquarters of the Cuban Embassy in Washington in the early hours of this Thursday, April 30 could never have taken place without the complicity of the powers-that-be, since it is an area in the neighborhood of the heavily guarded diplomatic headquarters, a reminder that without the[…]

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Netanyahu and Trump Must Learn the Lessons of Apartheid South Africa

by Ronnie Kasrils, published on Middle East Eye, February 24, 2020 To South Africans, US President Donald Trump’s “deal of the century”, handed to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on a silver platter, looks like the clone of an apartheid state. Hendrik Verwoerd, the former South African prime minister and architect of apartheid, stated as far back as 1961: “The[…]

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Embassy Protectors: An Epic Act of Resistance in Our Times

by Lauren Smith, published on Black Agenda Report, January 29 2020 Their true crime is their brilliant defense of international law, and Venezuela’s sovereign right to self-determination against Yankee imperialism. “People of conscience must ensure all charges are dropped.” On February 11th, four American peace activists, known as the Embassy Protectors Collective , will be tried before the U.S. empire for[…]

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Human Rights Hypocrisy: Critical Analysis of Hong Kong Protests

by Erica Caines, published on Black Agenda Report, December 18, 2019 Why do corporate media love Hong Kong dissidents while neglecting protests in Haiti, Ecuador, Chile, Colombia, Honduras and Bolivia? “Hong Kong protestors engage in activities that in the U.S. would get them killed by the police or long prison sentences.” Before adjourning for the Thanksgiving holiday, the US Senate[…]

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Afghanistan Papers Proves U.S. Invasion Was Built on Lies, Deceit and Confusion

The ‘expose’ in the Washington Post is very interesting.   They are comparing it to the Pentagon Papers, but although it is worthy of attention, and uses  high level and insider sources, the information isn’t new.  The analysis comes from a mainstream news outlet, which is refreshing.  It is notable that Jeff Bezos has been doing interviews about this release himself,[…]

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Ukrainian Roulette: the ‘Ukrainegate’ Gamble

By Enzo Calandra, published on Black Agenda Report, December 4, 2019 Liberals have enlisted the CIA to repudiate a clearly obscene and grotesque president because they themselves are obscene and grotesque in many of the same ways. “Trump’s more serious violations are not pursued as crimes because they are common practice by both the liberal and conservative parties.” By allying[…]

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By Trying to Silence Sanders, the Corporate Media De-Legitimize Themselves

Sanders has been made into a non-person, and his proposals routinely distorted, because the corporate media want Americans to meekly submit to the Race to the Bottom. “The system was suffering a crisis of legitimacy: nobody believed the official narrative anymore.” Bernie Sanders’ campaign has finally gone full-throat with the obvious: the Democrat-aligned corporate media have thrown all journalistic principles[…]

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Syria: Exposing Western Radical Collaboration With Imperialism

by Ajamu Baraka, published on Black Agenda Report, October 16, 2019 “Western radicals must take a consistent anti-imperialist position despite the internal contradictions or problems that existwithin a state in the Global South.” Despite so many self-defined radicals’ reading and claims to understand Gramsci’s corrective to Marxism-Leninism’s mechanistic understanding of the relationship between the base and the ideological superstructure, the ease[…]

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