Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Ukraine War protestors: “Negotiations Now!”

by Reginald Johnson, October 25, 2022 MIDDLETOWN, CT — Peace activists took to the streets here Saturday to protest the war in Ukraine and warn people that the conflict threatens to become a nuclear holocaust. Gathering on the corner of Main and Washington, the demonstrators held signs and passed out fliers which said “Prevent Nuclear War” and “Negotiations Now.” “We’ve[…]

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US Imperialism’s Trillion-Dollar Fossil Fuel Gambit

by Jeff Mackler, published on Socialist Action, October 21, 2022 The US-engineered sabotage of Russia’s Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines, as we shall see, aimed at guaranteeing the success of the US trillion dollar Ukraine fossil fuel war gambit to permanently substitute US-fracked Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) for Russia’s significantly less expensive fossil fuels. The US sabotage instantly eliminated[…]

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White House Draws up Blueprint for World War III

by Andre Damon, published on the World Socialist Website, October 13, 2022 Less than one week after President Joe Biden warned that the US conflict with Russia could trigger a nuclear “Armageddon,” the White House published a National Security Strategy pledging to “win” American global hegemony through military violence. The document pledged to expand the US military, “integrate” economic life[…]

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Ukrainian ‘Hit List’ Turns Out To Be Published in Langley VA

by Jeremy Kuzmerov, published in Covert Action Magazine, September 19, 2022 I heard about this list several years ago when a Ukrainian woman from Odessa who had spoken at our UNAC Conference a couple of years before was placed on the list for speaking out about the Massacre at the House of Unions in 2014 In Odessa.  She to leave[…]

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Ukraine: Wage a Class War Against Imperialist War

by John Catalinotto, published on Workers World, October 18, 2022 The latest U.S.-NATO-Kiev aggressions in the Ukraine war theater — bombing the bridge to Crimea and the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines — have escalated the fighting, threatening a continental or even a worldwide conflagration. The world’s richest bosses, bankers and billionaires, and their agents in Washington, London, Berlin[…]

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US Increased Intelligence and Special Forces Operatives’ Presence in Ukraine

by Drago Bosnic, published on Organizing Notes, October 13, 2022  In addition to possible escalation with Moscow, these operations also contradict Joe Biden’s statements that the US will not send troops into Ukraine. The US intelligence presence in Ukraine has existed at least since the end of the Second World War. After the war was over, the CIA worked closely[…]

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Biden’s Broken Promise to Avoid War with Russia May Kill Us All

by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J.S. Davies, October 11, 2022 On March 11, 2022, President Biden reassured the American public and the world that the United States and its NATO allies were not at war with Russia. “We will not fight a war with Russia in Ukraine,” said Biden. “Direct conflict between NATO and Russia is World War III, something[…]

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US Accuses Russia of Interfering in Foreign Elections

by Ted Snider, published on, September 19, 2022 An intelligence review commissioned by the Biden administration has concluded that “Russia has secretly funneled at least $300 million to foreign political parties and candidates in more than two dozen countries since 2014 in an attempt to shape political events beyond its borders.” On September 12, the State Department shared the information[…]

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A People’s Analysis of a World on Fire

by Manuel Bertoldi, published on People’s Dispatch, September 24, 2022 The following article is a summary of debates and reflections within the organization ALBA Movimientos, which were discussed during the last meeting of the International Peoples’ Assembly. These are observations made based on the daily reality in which the peoples of the world exist: in a turbulent world with an[…]

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