Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Ukraine: No to U.S. Orchestrated War and Fascist Coup

by Jeff Mackler, published on Socialist Action, July 24, 2022 We begin with some hard facts and context that are today tragically absent from the assessments of large sectors of the left and antiwar movements in the U.S. and worldwide. 2014 Maidan Square fascist rooftop snipers  The Ukraine tragedy began in February 2014 when rooftop fascist snipers opened fire on[…]

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The West Is In Ukraine, a proxy war on the planet

by Aaron Mate, published on Substack, July 16, 2022 In 2015, one year after a US-backed coup ushered in a US-friendly, far-right-dominated government in Kiev, University of Chicago professor John Mearsheimer issued a stark warning. “The West is leading Ukraine down the primrose path,” he said. “And the end result is that Ukraine is going to get wrecked.” Mearsheimer’s cause[…]

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How CIA Front Laid Foundations For Ukraine War

by Kit Klarenberg, published on Substack, July 5, 2022 Anatomy of a coup Obvious examples of Central Intelligence Agency covert action abroad are difficult to identify today, save for occasional acknowledged calamities, such as the long-running $1 billion effort to overthrow the government of Syria, via funding, training and arming barbarous jihadist groups. In part, this stems from many of the CIA’s[…]

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The Fantasy of Fanaticism

by Scott Ritter, published on Consortium News, June 25, 2022 The overwhelming hypocrisy of NATO laid bare.  [jb] For a moment in time, it looked as if reality had managed to finally carve its way through the dense fog of propaganda-driven misinformation that had dominated Western media coverage of Russia’s “Special Military Operation” in Ukraine. In a stunning admission, Oleksandr[…]

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Denunciation of Vladimir Putin’s Essay on History of Russia and Ukraine is Unwarranted

by Roger Annis, published on Covert Action Magazine, June 21, 2022 Far from condemning the national aspirations of Ukrainians, Putin defends them In July 2021, Vladimir Putin published a historical essay on Russia and Ukraine on the website of the President of Russia. The essay is a very informative read, written by someone with a deep knowledge of the subject.[…]

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Virtual Forensics and Propaganda

by Rick Sterling and John Perry, published in LA Progressive, May 29, 2022 This article shows how media uses computer modeling and “virtual crime scenes” to assign blame for some extremely important international events.  In these examples from Nicaragua, Ukraine and Syria, many people died in complex circumstances. The deaths at the “Mother’s March” in Managua, Nicaragua precipitated an attempted[…]

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Pandora’s Box: US Military Led Insect Project Risks Global Food Security

by Shan Jie and Fan Wei, published in Global Times, May 24, 2022 The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has led to a global food crisis, at a time of climate change, pollution, and other threats to the food supply. In the predictable future, food problems will be a permanent fixture in the world, while conflicts arising from “wars on[…]

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Westphalian Logic and Geopolitical Prudence in the Nuclear Age

By Richard Falk, published on Counterpunch, May 20, 2022 Interesting analysis of the realities of international politics.  Interests, boundaries and relative strength are highly relevant to  international negotiations.  The structure of the United Nations is as significant as the rules.  Westphalian refers to a treaty from 1649 that secured the peace through recognition of national boundaries.  Interestingly, I found a[…]

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