Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

War Propaganda Threatens Nuclear Meltdown

by G. Dunkel, published on Workers World, September 14, 2022 The United States and its imperialist allies in the European Union have a big political problem. The embargo/boycott that they so swiftly and gleefully placed on Russia’s energy exports, mainly oil and gas, had the unintended consequence of guaranteeing much higher profits to Russia in selling to markets outside U.S./EU[…]

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Peace Talks Essential as War Rages on in Ukraine

by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, September 5, 2022 Six months ago, Russia invaded Ukraine. The United States, NATO and the European Union (EU) wrapped themselves in the Ukrainian flag, shelled out billions for arms shipments, and imposed draconian sanctions intended to severely punish Russia for its aggression. Since then, the people of Ukraine have been paying a[…]

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Game Of Nuclear Chicken In Zaporozhye

by Prabir Purkayastha, published on People’s Dispatch. August 30, 2022 The IAEA’s priority is supposedly nuclear safety. But its priority in Ukraine appears to be to fulfill the selfish political demands of Ukraine and its NATO allies. The Zaporozhye (also spelt Zaporizhzhia) Nuclear Power Plant has become a focal point in the Ukraine war, as any major nuclear incident risks[…]

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How Russia Thwarted US Imperial Plans In Ukraine And Beyond

by Antonio Camacho Negron, published on Multipolarista, August 15, 2022 History testifies, time and time again, that the United States and Europe have always viewed Russia as coveted prey, and more so as a powerful opponent to their expansionist pretensions. Without a doubt, for various reasons that we will detail later, Russia has today become the top geopolitical-military threat to[…]

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Has the Ukraine Conflict Driven U.S. Government Officials Crazy?

by Jeremy Kuzmarov, published on CovertAction Magazine, August 5, 2022 Latest outrage is the FBI’s use of flash-bang grenades and drones to startle 80-year-old leader of Black Nationalist organization who was accused of being a Russian agent—on the grounds that he attended a meeting on self-determination in Moscow seven years ago. FBI also accuses alleged Russian agent of trying to[…]

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US Corporations Own Around 30% of Ukrainian Arable Land

by Drago Bosnic, published on InfoBRICS, August, 2022 This is how the U.S. treats its friends; pretty much the same as it treats enemies.  [jb] The destruction and plunder of Ukraine have been old news for quite some time now, unfortunately. However, the media and the public have only scratched the surface of the sheer scale of this process. With[…]

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Ukraine: Will U.S. sabotage grain deal?

by Sara Flounders, published on Workers World, July 26, 2022 A deal brokered by Turkey for the export of grain from both Ukraine and Russia presents a political problem for U.S. imperialism and its war aims. Washington’s response: ship more weapons. The landmark deal to move hundreds of tons of grain, if it moves forward, undermines U.S./NATO determination to continue[…]

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