Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Illegal Terror Against Im/migrants Continues

By B.L.S. San Antonio, Texas, published on Workers World,  August 11, 2020 “They told me not to tell my family where I was,” a Haitian asylum-seeker recounted. “I heard people being taken away in the hall [of the hotel] screaming, ‘I’m not going! I’m not going!’” In the month of July, Immigration and Customs Enforcement held nearly 200 immigrant children,[…]

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Let the Movement Be Radical

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, July 29, 2020 Craven black misleaders jumped at the chance to side with white corporate power against radical white allies. “Decades of movement stagnation and lack of political education has made black people less likely to push the envelope.” The unprecedented size and diversity of the new protest movement is something that[…]

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Athletes Continue to Build Support for BLM

by Monica Moorehead, posted on Workers World, July 28, 2020 U.S. athletes continue to express their solidarity with Black Lives Matter protests around the country, as professional sports attempt to resume some kind of normalcy since totally shutting down in mid-March due to the COVID-19 crisis. For instance, the Women’s National Basketball Association voted to dedicate its entire season to[…]

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Propaganda Won’t Get Rid of Trump

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, July 15, 2020 The biggest threat to Biden’s chances is the continuing suppression of black votes and the refusal of the Democrats to do anything about it.. “The Democrats’ effort to sell the lackluster and problematic Joe Biden involves telling some outright lies.” “Biden will win in a landslide.” “Trump will quit[…]

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10 Reasons Why Defunding the Police Should Lead to Defunding War

by Medea Benjamin & Zoltán Grossman, published on Consortium News, July 15, 2020 Since George Floyd was murdered, we have seen an increasing convergence of the “war at home” against black and brown people with the “wars abroad” that the U.S. has waged against people in other countries. Army and National Guard troops have been deployed in U.S. cities, as[…]

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How Racism Is an Essential Tool for Maintaining the Capitalist Order

by Richard D. Wolff, published on Brave New Europe, June 24, 2020 U.S. capitalism survived because it found a solution to the basic problem of its instability, its business cycles. Since capitalism never could end cyclical downturns and their awful effects, its survival required making those effects somehow socially tolerable. Systemic racism survived in the post-Civil War United States partly[…]

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Demonstrators Demand Removal of Racist Monuments and Confederate flags

by Malik Miah, published on Socialist Action, June 19, 2020 The rebellion against police violence and murder continues to expand. There are new demands on other issues against institutional racism by Black and Brown people and in opposition to the symbols of white genocide by the Native American nations. The demonstrators are demanding removal of symbols, monuments and flags of[…]

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Seize the Time or Face Fascism

by Riva Enteen, published on Black Agenda Report, June 24, 2020 Either we seize the time and bring power to the people, or we must be prepared to face overt fascism. “We are living in a perfect storm.” As a red diaper baby who came of age in the ’60s, I think this is a unique and fertile moment.  For[…]

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Finishing the Unfinished Revolution — from Reconstruction to Black Lives Matter

by Larry Holmes, published on Workers World, June 22, 2020 The following is a slightly edited talk given June 19 by Larry Holmes, Workers World Party First Secretary, during the WWP webinar on “Juneteenth and the Black Lives Matter Rebellion.” This Juneteenth is probably going to be one of the biggest Juneteenths in a long, long time.  That’s because of[…]

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