Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Protests Greet Biden in Downtown Milwaukee

Fightback News Staff, February 19, 2021 Milwaukee, WI – Despite bitter cold, on February 16 protesters demanding a people’s agenda gathered outside the Pabst Theater where President Joe Biden was hosting his first event outside Washington, DC since being inaugurated. In total, more than 100 people were present, with that number dwindling as the cold crept in. Closer to 40[…]

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The Antiwar Movement Must Not Go Back To Sleep During The Biden Presidency

by Margaret Flowers, published on Popular Resistance, February 7, 2021 On Saturday, members of the administrative committee of the United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC), on which I serve, spoke on a webinar about the importance of building and strengthening the antiwar, anti-imperialist movement during Biden’s presidency. UNAC was founded during the summer of 2010 as it became clear that the[…]

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Breach of Capital Security Was Like a Military Operation

by Ann Garrison and Max Blumenthal, published on Black Agenda Report, January 13, 2021 The Grayzone founder notes that “such a disproportionate percentage” of the Capitol building attackers were former military, former law enforcement, or current law enforcement that began rappelling up the sides of the Capitol with ropes.” “We’re going to see new laws put into place like this[…]

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Rochester Labor Council resolution: General strike if Trump won’t go

Workers World Editor, October 20, 2020 On Oct. 8, the Rochester [N.Y.] Labor Council passed a resolution supporting a general strike if Trump refuses to leave office after a November election defeat. Council President Dan Maloney is also president of United Auto Workers Local 1097, which, after a six-week strike, overwhelmingly rejected the 2019 concessionary contract with General Motors. The[…]

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New York Workers Assembly Against Racism

by Sara Flounders, published on Workers World, October 23, 2020 A powerful and forward-planning Workers Assembly Against Racism was held at Union Square in New York City on Oct. 18. Participants projected the possibilities of workers’ power through general strikes, shutdowns and mass actions to dramatically push back ongoing attacks — including police and racist violence, evictions, lack of stimulus[…]

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Peace Groups Blockade Creech Air Force Base To Protest Remote Killing by US Drones

by Brett Wilkins, Posted on October 7, 2020 Opposition to drone warfare and targeted assassination peaked several years ago and was subsequently purged from the mainstream media and Google search engines (where you used to be able to track drone activity in foreign press reports), but these activists persevere in resisting a truly disturbing form of global policing which[…]

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US Dictatorship of (White) Capital and Its Tools of Bamboozlement

by Glen Ford, published on Black Agenda Report, September 24, 2020 The New York Times and fellow corporate media discourage Americans from organizing against the rule of the rich by pretending that People Power is a fantasy. “The ruling class is very much aware that the only force capable of countering the power of Capital is the Power of the People in[…]

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