Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Hundreds of Journalists Around the World Sign Open Letter Demanding Freedom for Assange

by Oscar Grenfell, published on the World Socialist Website, December 9, 2019 Hundreds of journalists and media workers from every corner of the globe have put their name to an impassioned open letter demanding the unconditional freedom of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and an immediate “end to the legal campaign being waged against him for the crime of revealing war[…]

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Trident is the Crime

by Kathy Kelly, published on Voices for Creative Nonviolence, 10/25/2019 On October 24, following a three-day trial in Brunswick, GA, seven Catholic Workers who acted to disarm a nuclear submarine base were convicted on three felony counts and one misdemeanor. The defendants face 20 years in prison, yet they emerged from their trial seeming quite ready for next steps in[…]

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The fight to Free Mumia Enters Historic New Phase

by Ted Kelly, Published on Workers World, September 20, 2019 For decades, the movement to release African-American political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal has been on the front lines in the fight against white supremacy and capitalist mass incarceration. Generations of new revolutionaries have grown up in this struggle, and Mumia’s longtime supporters have in turn become their mentors as the most[…]

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Free Julian Assange! Defend Freedom of the Press!

By Bruce Lesnick, Published on Socialist Action, August 5, 2019 On April 11, the Ecuadorian government revoked asylum protection for Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. Within minutes, British gendarmes entered the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, arrested Assange, and seized his computers, documents, and other materials. He is now being held in London’s Belmarsh prison for bail violation. That spurious charge stems[…]

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Punitive fines threaten whistleblower Chelsea Manning with bankruptcy

By Oscar Grenfell, Published on World Socialist Website, 24 June 2019 Last Thursday, lawyers for the courageous whistleblower Chelsea Manning issued a legal challenge to punitive fines that were imposed upon her by a federal district court judge last month. Her legal team has warned that the unprecedented financial penalties threaten her with imminent bankruptcy. Manning has been imprisoned by[…]

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With banner drops NYC activists demand justice for Eric Garner

Photo Banner Drop outside Grand Central Station. ~Henry Luna By Nathaniel Chase posted on Workers World,  June 10, 2019 On the morning of June 4, as commuters filed out of Grand Central Station, activists from People’s Power Assemblies New York City dropped two large banners reading “Stop Killing Black People” and “Justice 4 Eric Garner, Abolition Now” over Pershing Square[…]

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Spanish Police Probe Extortion Scheme Involving Surveillance on Assange

UPDATED: Suspects are being investigated in Spain for having tried to extort €3 million from WikiLeaks in exchange for a huge cache of documents and surveillance videos of Assange inside Ecuador’s London embassy, including with his doctors and lawyers. By Joe Lauria, Special to Consortium News, April 10, 2019 A Spanish judge is investigating an alleged extortion scheme in which[…]

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