Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Global Solidarity Is Needed During The Pandemic To End Medical Apartheid

by Margaret Flowers, published on Popular Resistance, February 21, 2021 Some of the truths the COVID-19 pandemic is exposing about the United States are its racial disparities in health and access to health care. Black and Indigenous people are more likely to be infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 than white people. They are two to three times more[…]

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US Bombs Syria & Ridiculously Claims Self Defense

by Caitlin Johnstone, published on Consortium News, February 26, 2021 On orders of President Biden, the United States has launched an airstrike on a facility in Syria. As of this writing the exact number of killed and injured is unknown, with early reports claiming “a handful” of people were killed. Rather than doing anything remotely resembling journalism, the western mass[…]

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Impeachment Theater

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, February 17, 2021 Democracy is hanging on by a thread — not due to marauding Trumpsters – but because of bipartisan support for neoliberal policies. “The Republicans are a convenient foil who can be blamed whenever the Democrats decide to take a dive.” The impeachment circus has mercifully come to an end. The public[…]

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On Biden’s Opening Days in Office

Statement from Chicago Antiwar Coalition, February 15, 2021 Biden has been very active in his opening days in office. To assess this and his general political stand, the Chicago Anti-War Coalition has published a Statement on his nominations and appointments to Cabinet and other positions. And CAWC has published its analysis of Biden’s Inauguration Day speech. The Executive Orders and[…]

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January 6 Exposes 2 Faces of US Democracy

by Monica Moorehead, published on Workers World, January 12, 2021 What occurred on Jan. 6 at the U.S. Capitol was shocking but not surprising.   What was shocking was the sight of thousands in a majority white, neofascist terrorist mob — with no masks and no social distancing — overrunning the supposedly high security sanctuary of the offices of U.S. Congresspeople,[…]

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Breach of Capital Security Was Like a Military Operation

by Ann Garrison and Max Blumenthal, published on Black Agenda Report, January 13, 2021 The Grayzone founder notes that “such a disproportionate percentage” of the Capitol building attackers were former military, former law enforcement, or current law enforcement that began rappelling up the sides of the Capitol with ropes.” “We’re going to see new laws put into place like this[…]

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The Chickens Have Come Home to Roost

Black Alliance for Peace Statement on January 6 Right Wing Protests in DC Two Januarys ago, an obscure politician from a minor political party named Juan Guaido assumed a one-month chairmanship of the Venezuelan National Assembly. Then he promptly declared himself the interim president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. The bizarre declaration had no legal standing. But that did[…]

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Peace, Self Determination and the Duopoly Trap

by Glen Ford, published on Black Agenda Report, October 22, 2020 Corporate institutions and their Black servants conspire to hide the fact that the Black American worldview is profoundly Left on issues of peace and social justice. “Independent Black politics is not a subject of corporate discussion, and is derided by the Democratic operatives that have infested every civic institution[…]

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