Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

U.S. Twin Billionaire Parties win 2022 Elections: How the System Really Works

by Jeff Mackler,  November 16, 2022 The 2022 U.S. midterm elections witnessed the twin parties of the ruling rich spending an unprecedented but nevertheless relatively paltry sum of $18 billion to determine which wing of capital will steal the lion’s share of the nation’s wealth created by working people. I say paltry because the stakes to the super rich in[…]

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Workers in France Conduct One-Day General Strike

by Otis Grotewhol, published on Workers World, October 28, 2022 If they can do it, why can’t we?   [jb] Protesters clashed with the police in numerous cities, as 300,000 workers participated in a partial general strike in France Oct. 18 and courageously took to the streets throughout the country. Most of the striking workers were from the transportation, education and[…]

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Lula da Silva Wins Brazilian Presidency

by Lauren Smith, published on Covert Action Magazine, October 29, 2022 Right-winger Jair Bolsonaro’s claims of election fraud reduced to sour grapes as Brazil’s bulletproof voting process shames the United States’ swiss-cheese system Workers’ Party (PT) candidate, former president Lula da Silva, won the Brazilian presidency with just over 50 percent of the vote in the runoff election held on[…]

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Ukraine: Wage a Class War Against Imperialist War

by John Catalinotto, published on Workers World, October 18, 2022 The latest U.S.-NATO-Kiev aggressions in the Ukraine war theater — bombing the bridge to Crimea and the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines — have escalated the fighting, threatening a continental or even a worldwide conflagration. The world’s richest bosses, bankers and billionaires, and their agents in Washington, London, Berlin[…]

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The Puppets and the Puppet Masters

by Chris Hedges,  published on The Chris Hedges Report, October 8, 2022 This is the talk given by Chris Hedges outside the Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. on Saturday October 8 at a rally that called on the U.S. to revoke its extradition request for Julian Assange. WASHINGTON, D.C. — Merrick Garland and those who work in the Department[…]

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On the International Day of Peace, The US/EU/NATO Axis of Domination Reaffirmed its Commitment to the Weapon of War

by Ajamu Baraka, published on Black Agenda Report, September 28, 2022 “End Racism: Build Peace” was the theme of the 2022 International Day of Peace. That noble sentiment can’t be realized when powerful white supremacist structures are committed to practicing hegemony. It is not a cruel irony but imperial consistency that on September 21, 2022 the United Nations International Day[…]

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Sanctions and the New Cold War on China

by Carlos Martinez, August 2022 Background The instinctive attitude of the United States towards the Chinese Revolution was of course one of hostility. In a protracted war between progress and reaction, between the future and the past, the governments of the US and the People’s Republic of China were, and are, are on opposite sides of the barricades. Hence shortly[…]

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US in Latin America: Interference, Extortion and Blackmail in Times of Global Reconfiguration

by Jorge Elbaum, published on Resumen English, August 24, 2022 The disordered and brutal intentionality of the United States to control the political, economic, communicational, military and cultural orientations of Latin America is linked to the loss of its relevance in the region. Last Thursday, the U.S. Ambassador to Argentina, Marc Stanley, arrogated to himself the right to give his[…]

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The Nobodies Take Office in Colombia: An In-Depth Analysis

by Alina Duarte, published by The Council on Hemispheric Affairs, August 11, 2022 This article is pretty long, but will reward your attention.  The situation in Colombia is not settled but it appears to be a remarkable breakthrough for the people.[jb] Fleas dream of buying themselves a dog, and the nobodies dream of escaping poverty: that one magical day good[…]

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U.S. Led Imperialism is the Leading Purveyor of Chaos

by Danny Haiphong, published on Black Agenda Report, July 13, 2022 To say that the West, currently led by the dictates of U.S. imperialism, is in trouble would be an understatement. U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson resigned on July 7th amid an escalating political crisis of legitimacy . Three weeks before Johnson announced his departure, Emmanuel Macron’s so-called centrist alliance[…]

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