Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Black Alliance for Peace Condemns Slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza

Black anti-war activists call on members of the Congressional Black Caucus and the leadership of the Poor People’s Campaign to publicly condemn Israeli violence Statement from The Black Alliance for Peace MAY 15, 2018—While a delegation from the Trump administration and leaders from various parts of the world gathered in Jerusalem to witness the illegal and immoral move of the[…]

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#Nakba70: A call to action

by Cassia Laham, originally published on FightBack! News, May 11 May 15, 2018 marks the 70th year since al Nakba, or the Catastrophe, in Palestine. The Nakba refers to the day in 1948 when hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were forced out of their homes and off their land by Israeli troops, precipitating the creation of the colonial, apartheid state[…]

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Seven things you need to know about Israel’s latest attack on Gaza

by Michael Lesher, first published on ZNet, April 5 2018 Being of mild disposition, I am ill suited to describe in detail the thuggery by which the putative Jewish State executed 17 of its 2 million Gaza prisoners (wounding some 1,400 more) by way of inaugurating the Jewish Festival of Liberation last Friday. Fortunately, however, there is no need of such descriptive talent. The[…]

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Black Alliance for Peace Condemns the Murder of Unarmed Palestinians

Black Alliance for Peace Condemns the Murder of Unarmed Palestinians by Israeli Security Forces APRIL 2, 2018—A reported 17,000 Palestinians peacefully marched in Gaza on March 30 as they made their historic demand for a right to return to their ancestral lands when they were met by Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) snipers who opened fire, killing 17 people and wounding[…]

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The Sentencing of Ahed, Nariman and Nour Tamimi: The Struggle Continues!

“There is no justice under the occupation and this court is illegal.”   – Ahed Tamimi, 21 March 2018 from Samidoun Palestinian teen activist Ahed Tamimi, 17, was sentenced by an Israeli military court on Tuesday, 21 March to eight months in Israeli prison. The sentencing came after a plea bargain was reached in the case and confirmed by the military court; the[…]

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International Solidarity Movement Tour Conveys Palestinian Trauma to a Stunned US Audience

Salem Shamaly after he was shot and killed July 20, 2014 in Shujaiyah, Gaza, followed by international volunteers by Phillip Weiss, originally published on Mondoweiss, March 21, 2018 The other night in Brooklyn, I caught two activists from the International Solidarity Movement, Rana Nazzal and Joe Catron, describing their work in Palestine to 70 people crowded into the Commons Cafe.[…]

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Palestine Leadership Suspends Recognition of Israel

by Wayne DeLucca, originally published on Socialist Action The Palestine Liberation Organization’s central council voted on Jan. 15 to “suspend recognition of Israel until it recognizes the State of Palestine on the 1967 borders and revokes the decision to annex East Jerusalem and expand and build settlements.” This is an important move that would also reverse the Palestinian leadership’s adherence[…]

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POWIR In Solidarity with Ahed Tamimi

“My daughter is just 16 years old. In another world, in your world, her life would look completely different. In our world, Ahed is a representative of a new generation of our people, of young freedom fighters. This generation has to wage its struggle on two fronts. On the one hand, they have the duty, of course, to keep on[…]

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