Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Ambassador Chas Freeman Puts The Gazan Breakout into Context

by Charles W. Freeman, Jr, published on Just World Educational Blog, October 9, 2023 This war puts paid to israeli-Saudi normalization but that was never a real prospect. The Israeli ministry of strategic affairs (i.e. “hasbara” or propaganda) has touted normalization as a “game changer for the Middle East.” Not so. It would, however, be a game changer for both[…]

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Israel, and the US, Bear Full Responsibility for the Ongoing Bloodshed!

Statement from The U.S. Peace Council, October 8, 2023  This is the Inevitable Result of 75 Years of Illegal Occupation and Brutal Violation of Palestinians’ Human Rights “We are in a state of war…. The enemy will pay a price like they have never known before,” declared Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, immediately after the beginning of the Hamas[…]

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Al-Awda Says: ‘Bring Ongoing Nakba to an End!’

Statement from Al Awda, The Palestinian Right to Return Coalition, published on Workers World, October 8, 2023 We, the Al-Awda Palestine Right to Return Coalition, firmly stand in unwavering support of the Palestinian resistance, and we fervently urge our Palestinian people to mobilize in the face of colonial genocide. This ongoing struggle, born from a deep-seated yearning for justice and[…]

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Peace comes with Justice, not War

CODEPINK Statement on the Call for War in Palestine, October 8, 2023 CODEPINK strongly opposes Secretary Lloyd J. Austin’s just-announced plan to send troops to the Eastern Mediterranean – including U.S. Navy aircraft carriers and defense munitions. Escalating the violence in Palestine is not the path to peace, it’s the path to destroying any chance the Palestinians have for peace,[…]

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Palestinian Resistance in Gaza Launches Unprecedented Surprise Attack on Israel

by Tareq S. Hajjaj and Mondoweiss Editors, published on Mondoweiss, October 7, 2023 At around 6:30 a.m., Palestinian resistance factions in Gaza launched a surprise attack on Israel from land, sea, and air, as thousands of rockets have been launched into Israel and reportedly dozens of Israelis, including soldiers, have been killed and abducted by the resistance. In the early[…]

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WWP Statement World Solidarity With Palestine

Statement by Workers World Party, published on Workers World, October 8, 2023 The Israeli regime’s murders, seizures of territories, illegal settlements and occupation made a response from the Palestinian people and their liberation organizations as inevitable as it was justifiable. Palestinians have once again, under the most difficult circumstances, provided a heroic example for people longing for liberation from imperialism[…]

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