Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Three U.S. wars threaten World War Three: $95 billion targets Palestine, Iran, Russia and China

by Sara Flounders, published on Workers World, May 3, 2024 Anyone who thinks that the U.S. policy of continued arming and fully supporting the Israeli genocide is an accident or a mistake need only look at the $95 billion “supplemental aid” bill just passed by Congress and signed by President Joe Biden on April 24. The same group of war[…]

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Rome Peace Conference Declares: U.S., Allies Provoked War in Ukraine, Stop NATO!

Statement published on Workers World, October 28, 2023 Delegates from 40 organizations and individuals from 25 countries gathered in Rome on Oct. 27 and 28, 2023, to discuss the causes of the current war in Ukraine, the war’s impact on international peace, the dangers facing our people and the tasks of the movement for a fair and permanent peace. The[…]

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Report on the International Peace Conference in Rome, Oct 27 – 28

by Joe Lombardo, UNAC Coordinator, November 3, 2023 This is a brief report on the international peace conference that took place in Rome on Oct. 27 – 28.  There were 6 of us at the conference from the US.  The conference was attended by about 200 people.  People came from 25 countries representing 40 different organizations.  Delegates from Iran, Afghanistan[…]

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A Global Call for Peace in Ukraine Emerges at UN General Assemb

by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, published on Common Dreams, September 28, 2023 As it did last year, the 2023 United Nations General Assembly has been debating what role the United Nations and its members should play in the crisis in Ukraine. The United States and its allies still insist that the UN Charter requires countries to take[…]

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Stop Sending Weapons to Ukraine!

Statement by the Chicago Antiwar Coalition, August 30, 2023 The Biden Administration is continuing its war against Russia using Ukraine as a proxy despite heavy losses by the Ukrainian forces and them not doing well militarily against the Russian forces. The Biden Administration is now having the U.S. government send another $250 million in military assistance to the Ukrainian government.[…]

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US-Backed Roll of the Dice Leaves Ukraine in Worse Crisis

by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, August 16, 2023 Based on Biden’s own definition of U.S. war aims, his policy is failing, and it is hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers, not Americans, who are paying the price. President Biden wrote in the New York Times in June 2022 that the United States was arming Ukraine to “fight[…]

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Breaking News! Some on the Left Have Benefactors…

by Greg Godel, published on ZZ’s Blog, August 14, 2023 In June, I commented on a scurrilous article originally appearing in The Daily Beast and inexplicably reposted on the Portside website. Entitled, U.S Tech Mogul Bankrolls Pro-Russia, Pro-China News Network, the article accused several left groups of having not only received money from a benefactor sympathetic to the People’s Republic[…]

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Aggressive U.S. Push for Military Supremacy in the Arctic Could Trigger Nuclear War

by Jeremy Kuzmarov, published on CovertAction Magazine, July 14, 2023 From 1959 to 1966, the U.S. illegally stored nuclear weapons in Greenland in preparation for a nuclear attack on the Soviet Union and built an underground scientific research center right out of a James Bond movie. It resulted in the displacement of natives and has left a residue of environmental[…]

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Organized crime in Vilnius

by Editor @ Workers World, published July 20, 2023 To evaluate the NATO summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, this July it helps to observe it in the framework of what this military alliance’s meeting really is: an international gathering of the heads of criminal gangs and some local stooges. If that argument seems to stretch reality, consider these points: The major[…]

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