Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Killer Reaper Drones Coming to the Pacific “To Counter Threats from China.”

by Ann Wright, published on Popular Resistance, March 27 2021 A Chinese military takeover of Taiwan is the top U.S. concern in Asia and the Pacific, according to the admiral nominated to lead the U.S. military’s Indo-Pacific combatant command. During his confirmation hearing to head the command that covers 51 percent of the globe, U.S. Pacific Fleet commander Admiral John[…]

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The Necessity of Dismantling the U.S.—A conversation with Ajamu Baraka

by Kollibri terre Sonnenblume, published on Counterpunch, March 12, 2021 On February 26th, I interviewed Ajamu Baraka for my podcast. Baraka is a veteran grassroots organizer whose roots are in the Black Liberation Movement and anti-apartheid and Central American solidarity struggles. He is an internationally recognized leader of the emerging human rights movement in the U.S. and has been at[…]

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Biden’s Magic Tricks: Watch Both of His Hands

by Bruce Gagnon, published on Organizing Notes, February 5, 2021 During the Obama administration the Modus operandi (MO) was to play magic tricks. Obama would announce a good thing and then at the same time do a really bad thing.  I started urging people to watch both of the magicians hands. Following Obama’s slight of hand tricks, Biden is off[…]

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On U.S. “Adversaries”

by Gary Leupp, published on CounterPunch, January 20, 2021 The United States more or less officially regards a handful of countries as “adversaries”: Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Syria, and Venezuela. There is not an official list approved by Congress, but the term is applied by politicians and journalists routinely to these countries. The reasons for their enmity are rarely[…]

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Losers Suckers and War

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, September 9, 2020 Democrats are up in arms over Trump’s latest mouth-burst, but the truth is that both corporate parties have made the people suckers for endless, “bipartisan” wars. “The suckers were always those who could not get out of military service when there was still a draft.’ Americans certainly love war.[…]

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U.S. Militarism Towards China is Part and Parcel of American Hegemony Syndrome

by Danny Haiphong, published on Black Agenda Report, August 26, 2020 American hegemony syndrome has shifted public attention away from the critical problems facing humanity by demonizing China. “Military expansionism compensates for the fact that the U.S. has lost to China in the realm of economic competition.” The COVID-19 pandemic has not made the planet any safer from the threat[…]

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U.S. ‘War Games’ Threaten COVID Spread in Hawaii

by Quell Nessumo, published on Workers World, July 29, 2020 Despite the ongoing global pandemic, the U.S. military has no plans to cancel RIMPAC (Rim of the Pacific Exercise), the largest international military exercise in the world. Beginning in 1971, and held every two years in June and July off the coast of Hawaii, RIMPAC is a show of imperialist[…]

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