Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Robert Fisk: “I Traced Al-Qaeda Missile Casings In Syria Back To Their Original Sellers”

Image: A prior spent missile tube in Syria with “Hughes Aircraft Company” listed as manufacturer which surfaced in 2014 (not part of the same batch of weapons analyzed in Fisk’s report). Notice the attempt to scratch off the serial numbers. Via Armament Research Services by Tyler Durden, originally published on Zero Hedge Finally, a journalist for a mainstream UK media outlet[…]

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Syria Calls Refugees Home While US Imperialism Punishes the Refugees it Creates

In a photo taken during a guided government tour, Syrian soldiers raise their weapons while holding a picture of President Bashar Assad as they leave the eastern city of Deir al-Zour on Aug. 16, following a 10-day military operation. by Danny Haiphong, first Published on Black Agenda Report “Our focus should be on stopping the wars that create refugees, including[…]

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US War Crimes in Syria Exposed

by Niles Neimuth, originally published on the World Socialist Website The United States committed war crimes of staggering proportions last year during its four-month-long siege of the Syrian city of Raqqa, demolishing up to 80 percent of the city with an unrelenting blitzkrieg of bombs and artillery shells that killed hundreds of civilians. The devastation left behind by the US[…]

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The Liberation of Ghouta in the Context of International Law

Syrian soldiers assist civilians waiting to be evacuated through a humanitarian corridor in East Ghouta. Editor’s note: This letter was written a couple of months ago.  Before the letter was circulated for endorsers, no less presented to the members of the United Nations Security Council, the United States vetoed a resolution to condemn them for raining cruise missiles on Syria. […]

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On the Liberation of Yarmouk Refugee Camp

On Tuesday, the Al-Eis crossing in the southern Aleppo countryside witnessed the entry of Hayyat Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS) militants from the Yarmouk camp in Damascus to the countryside of Idlib as part of recently-reached agreement with the government. ~ AlAlam by Ken Stone of Syria Solidarity Movement The Syrian Arab Army (SAA), allied Palestinian militias, and the government of Syria[…]

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Thousands of Syrians buried in the rubble six months after US destruction of Raqqa

Editor’s note:  Refugees began returning to their homes in East Aleppo weeks after the military had driven the terrorist militias from East Aleppo.  Those recently evacuated from East Ghouta are in the Damascus area and prepared to return shortly.   To allow for this to occur, the Syrian Government spends months in advance of a battle evacuating people and isolating the[…]

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Dear Salafist Wahhabist Apologists

Paul has written a response to a rather insulting article by Mehdi Hassan that was published in the Intercept.  Like many of us, Paul is disappointed by a certain thoughtlessness and lack of integrity displayed by certain articles on The Intercept. especially regarding Syria.  ~Editor by Paul Larudee, originally published on Dissident Voice, April 21, 2018 Your head chopper heros[…]

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Syria and Press Propaganda

by Margaret Kimberley, originally published on Black Agenda Report “Trump protects himself with war as Democrats and the rest of the ruling elite support his militarism.” It is difficult for Americans to find out what is happening in their country and around the world. That is because corporate media outlets have nearly complete control over what they see and hear[…]

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White Lies and Black Disbelief in a Fading Empire

by Glen Ford, originally published on Black Agenda Report “What would prevent Russia from attacking the United States because of all the people that the United States is killing in our communities.” Having already violated every tenet of international law in its proxy jihadist war against Syria, including the seizure of one-third of the country, the United States invoked a[…]

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