Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Peace Through Weapons Sales

by Ariel Gold, published on Mondowweiss, September 9, 2020 Next week, on September 15, Donald Trump will host Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and UAE Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed al-Nahyan for a ceremonial signing of the Israel-United Arab Emirates deal to normalize relations between the two countries. Termed the Abraham Accord, the deal has been condemned by many[…]

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How the US Helped Push Lebanon to The Brink of Collapse

by Ben Norton, published on The Grayzone, August 13, 2020 As the people of Lebanon suffer through one of the worst economic crises in their nation’s conflict-ridden history, the Donald Trump administration is exploiting the disaster to force regime change and weaken Lebanese resistance groups. A massive explosion on August 4 devastated Lebanon’s capital Beirut, killing more than 150 people,[…]

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Hypocrisy of US, Allies in the UNSC and AI Regarding Aid to ‘The Syrian People’

Statement from Syria Solidarity Movement On July 11, the United Nations Security Council passed a resolution presented by Germany and Belgium that would permit one border crossing from Turkey into Syria’s Idlib province for a US- backed UNSC aid program. The United States has been battling with China and Russia for a resolution increasing the number of gateways for cross-border[…]

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Interview with US Activist Who Fought ISIS With The Kurds in Syria

by Christopher Helali and Judy Bello I recently had the privilege of interviewing Chris Helali about his experiences fighting ISIS with the Kurdish militias in northern Syria.   It was very interesting to see the way his direct observations of the war in Syria led him to change his assessment of the situation there.   [jb] Judy: Good evening, I’m Judy Bello[…]

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US and Qatari Regime Change Deception Produced ‘Caesar’ Sanctions Driving Syria Towards Famine

by Max Blumenthal, published on The Grayzone, 6/25/2020 Like the mysterious figure it is named for, the Caesar sanctions bill is the product of an elaborate deception by shadowy US- and Gulf-backed operatives. Instead of protecting Syrian civilians, the unilateral measures are driving them towards hunger and death. The US Department of Treasury’s imposition this June of the so-called Caesar Civilian[…]

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Defiance Against US Dollar War and Caesar Act Sanctions

by Hassan Nasrallah, published on Centre for Counter Hegemonic Studies, June 16, 2020 Extract from the translation of a speech on June 16, 2020.   He is talking about the effects of the increasing US economic war on Lebanon (and also Syria).  This is interesting as it is an international reflection of the struggles of domestic resistance to the US racist[…]

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