Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

The Capitol Raid and Pandemic Can Help Us Empathize with Venezuelans

by Leonardo Flores, published on Portside, April 24, 2021 I like this article for talking points.  So many of the activities the US Government supports and creates in other countries are so disturbing.  How would you feel is a good question if correctly framed. [JB] The January 6th raid on the Capitol and the pandemic that has upended the lives[…]

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Venezuela Denounces Freezing of Its Assets for Acquiring COVID-19 Vaccines

Published on Resumen LatinAmerica, March 25, 2021 The government of Venezuela presented a report this Wednesday concerning the looting of Venezuela’s assets located in other countries, a situation that has made acquisition of vaccines against COVID-19 more difficult, and which was caused by the machinations carried out by Juan Guaido. Venezuelan Executive Vice-president Delcy Rodriguez stated that the blockade of[…]

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Biden’s ‘Plan’ for Central America

by Ben Norton, published on Consortium News, March 10, 2020 The Biden administration has prioritized Central America in its foreign policy, developing a comprehensive plan that pledges $4 billion in funding for the impoverished region, along with foreign corporate investment, in return for aggressive neoliberal “free market” reforms. According to the Biden administration’s program, Central American governments will be required to[…]

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EU Imposes Further Sanctions on Venezuela as Maduro Visits UN Human Rights Council

From Venezuelanalysis, February 22, 2021 Mérida 2/22 – Venezuela has blasted the imposition of additional European Union (EU) sanctions against nineteen politicians, state officials and security chiefs. According to an EU statement released Monday, the individuals are penalised for their alleged role in “acts and decisions undermining democracy and the rule of law” or “as a result of serious human[…]

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US sanctions on Venezuela

by Daniel Kovalik, published on RT, February 17, 2020 You can read the full preliminary report on Venezuelanalysis. [jb] In its regime-change effort in Venezuela, the US has imposed devastating sanctions that have caused tens of thousands of deaths among the most vulnerable – without ever coming close to toppling the president. Alena Douhan, the UN Special Rapporteur on unilateral[…]

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Guaido Accused of Blocking Vaccines as Venezuela Sends COVID-19 Aid to Brazil

by Paul Dobson, published on Venezuelanalysis, January 18, 2021 Mérida, January 18, 2021 – Venezuela’s self-declared “Interim President” Juan Guaido has allegedly refused to use funds under his control to purchase additional Covid-19 vaccines for the country. According to documents seen by Reuters, Guaido’s team turned down overtures from the Venezuelan Central Bank (BCV) to free up US $120 million[…]

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Venezuela: Biden to Endorse Guaido After Trump Issues Parting Sanctions

Venezuelanalysis, January 21, 2021 – The incoming Joe Biden administration will maintain support for Venezuelan self-proclaimed “Interim President” Juan Guaido. According to reports, the new Secretary of State Antony Blinken told members of the US Senate that recently inaugurated President Biden will continue to recognize the opposition leader as the country’s legitimate leader. While the veteran democrat has yet to[…]

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What the New York Times Left Out of the Picture on Venezuela

by Michelle Ellner, published on CodePink ‘Pink Tank’ Blog, January, 2021 On December 8th, The New York Times published its celebrated “Year in Pictures” article.  It showed two pictures from Venezuela, one displaying confrontation and the other despair, thus making it seem as if the country is living some kind of dystopian nightmare. As a Venezuelan-American and a photographer, I[…]

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Venezuela Elections: A Key Victory for Anti Imperialist Movement in Latin America

by Alison Bodine, published in Fire This Time Newspaper, December 2020 The people of Venezuela have dealt another decisive blow against U.S. domination in Latin America. On December 6, 2020, more than 6.2 million Venezuelans voted for a new National Assembly in what was Venezuela’s 25 election in the 21 years since the Bolivarian revolution began. Despite being under massive[…]

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Who to Believe About Venezuela’s Election: Firsthand Observation of PBS Newshour?

by Rick Sterling, published on La Progressive,  January 2021 In early December I traveled to Venezuela to be an election observer at their national assembly election. I was part of a group of eight persons from Canada and US organized by CodePink. There were about two hundred international observers in total, including the  Latin American Council of Electoral Experts.  I[…]

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