Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Israeli Justice Ministry directly involved in international ‘lawfare’ against BDS movement

by Jonathan Ofir, published on  Mondoweiss, 4/24/18 For several years, Israeli government ministries have been debating who is authorized to deal with countering the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement abroad. While it has long been suspected that this effort was being led by the Foreign Ministry and the Ministry for Strategic Affairs, a recent Freedom of Information (FOI) request[…]

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No Stopping Protests Against Philadelphia Orchestra’s Israeli Tour

by Betsey Piette, originally published on Workers World, April 24, 2018 For the third week in a row, demonstrators gathered outside the Kimmel Center in Philadelphia on April 21 to protest the Philharmonic Orchestra’s planned visit to Israel in June.  The visit is part of a “cultural tour” to celebrate the 70th anniversary of Israel’s occupation of Indigenous Palestinian lands.[…]

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Seven things you need to know about Israel’s latest attack on Gaza

by Michael Lesher, first published on ZNet, April 5 2018 Being of mild disposition, I am ill suited to describe in detail the thuggery by which the putative Jewish State executed 17 of its 2 million Gaza prisoners (wounding some 1,400 more) by way of inaugurating the Jewish Festival of Liberation last Friday. Fortunately, however, there is no need of such descriptive talent. The[…]

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