Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Political Prisoners in Cuba and in the United States; Facts and Fiction, P1

by Gustavo Maranges, published on Resumen English, January 9, 2022 In recent days, we have witnessed an avalanche of accusations by United States government officials against Cuba for allegedly holding over 600 political prisoners after the protests on July 11. Assistant Secretary of state for Western Hemisphere Affairs Brian Nichols and the Secretary of State Anthony Blinken have been among[…]

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21st Century US Coups and Attempted Coups in Latin America (so far)

by Stansfield Smith, published on Dissident Voice, January 6, 2022 During the 21st century, the US, working with corporate elites, traditional oligarchies, military, and corporate media, has continually attempted coups against Latin American governments which place the needs of their people over US corporate interests. US organized coups in Latin American countries is hardly a 20th century phenomenon. However, this[…]

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“We Don’t Want to Die of Thirst, But we Don’t Want to Betray: Normalization is a Big Betrayal.”

by Rima Najjar, published on Countercurrents, November 28, 2021 Yesterday, I participated in demonstrations in downtown Amman against the latest step taken by the Jordanian government to normalize relations with Israel through yet another U.S.-brokered deal, this one ostensibly as a response to climate change. The deal is for Jordan to receive 200 million cubic meters (7.06 billion cubic feet)[…]

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Cubans Say They Are More Excited About School Reopening Than Regime Change

by Medea Benjamin, published on MintPress News, November 16, 2021 HAVANA — “If you build it, they will come,” said Kevin Costner in the Field of Dreams. In Cuba, they didn’t come. Dissidents on the island, with their U.S. backers, had been working feverishly for months to turn the unprecedented July 11 protests into a crescendo of government opposition on[…]

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Alex Saab’s Statement Before Being Extracted from Cape Verde by United States Regime

Letter from Alex Saab, published on Orinoco Tribune, October 21, 2021 Editorial note: This letter was read—with tears in her eyes—by Camila Fabri, Alex Saab’s wife, during a demonstration in repudiation of the second kidnapping of the Venezuelan diplomat from Cape Verde by the US, held in Caracas’ Plaza Bolívar on Sunday, October 17, attended by a crowd of indignant[…]

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The United States Is Doubling Down On Deadly Sanctions

Produced by Sanctions Kill and Popular Resistance, published on Popular Resistance, October 21, 2021 New Treasury Report Ordered by President Biden Shows US is Intensifying its Economic Warfare Despite the COVID-19 Pandemic. Washington, DC – The 2021 Sanctions Review Report released by the United States Department of the Treasury on October 18 is an ominous warning. This unsigned report should[…]

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Ethiopia and Eritrea: Elias Amare on US Sanctions and the UNSC

by Ann Garrison, published on Black Star News, August 30, 2021 Watch Ben Norton’s show with a recent update (9/20) on the US condemnation of Ethiopia and Eritrea  HERE.  [jb] US Special Envoy to the Horn of Africa Jeffrey Feltman recently returned from a tour of Ethiopia, Djibouti, and the United Arab Emirates. On the following Monday, the US State[…]

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Let the Cuban People Live! End the Blockade and Sanctions!

by Barry Shepphard, published on Socialist Action, July 24, 2021 President Biden has not only kept all of Trump’s sanctions designed to severely harm the Cuban people, he has added two more. His response to the July 11 protests in Cuba was to call for the overthrow of the socialist Cuban Revolution. The July 11 protests of the Cuban government[…]

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Bolivia: Evo Morales Warns of Right-Wing Maneuvers

Translated by Walter Lippmann for CubaNews and edited by Workers World, August 13, 2021 Former president Evo Morales, leader of the Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS) party, denounced, this Aug. 4, the Bolivian political right for promoting destabilizing maneuvers disguised as political activism. “Once again, the coup plotters announce antidemocratic mobilizations against the legitimate, legal and constitutional government of our brother[…]

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