Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Class Warfare and Socialist Resistance: Nicaragua, Cuba, Venezuela as Existential Threats to the US

by Ajamu Baraka, published on Black Agenda Report, November 10, 2021 Why do Nicaragua, Cuba and Venezuela pose such an existential threat to the U.S.? The promise of socialism and their resistance to US class warfare. One of the extreme ironies of the latest attack by the settler-colonial regime of the United States against the national democratic project of Nicaragua[…]

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Supply Chain Crisis: Driven by Deregulation

by Betsy Piette, published on Workers World, November 4, 2021 Corporate media and the Biden administration have focused on major West Coast ports, specifically Los Angeles and Long Beach, Calif., as the pivot points in the global supply chain crisis impacting the U.S. But the problem is far more complex. It involves points of production, methods of global transport, points[…]

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Workers Rise Up in Strike Wave

by Malik Miah, published on Socialist Action, November 3, 2021 Thousands of workers are on strike right now in the United States, in what is being dubbed “Striketober”. In some cases, bosses are using “replacements” (scabs) to cross picket lines and keep the profits flowing. Strikers are fed up with poor working conditions, forced overtime, 16-hour shifts, low wages, and[…]

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Black Alliance for Peace Condemns RENACER ACT on Nicaragua as Bipartisan Criminality

Black Alliance for Peace Statement, November 4, 2021 The Black Alliance for Peace condemns the efforts of Congress to manipulate the electoral process in Nicaragua through illegal sanctions, subversion and the coordination of a deliberate misinformation campaign meant to delegitimize the country’s elections even before they take place. As part of that effort the U.S. House of Representatives passed the[…]

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U.S. role exposed Masses resist Sudan coup

by Sara Flounders, published on International Action Center, November 2, 2021 Incredible exposure of U.S. actions to humiliate and impoverish the Sudanese people and destabilize Sudan.   And the hypocrisy of it all.  The U.S. wants Sudan to pay sanctions to U.S. victims of their wars when they don’t have money to eat.   Of course the US would never consider doing[…]

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Alex Saab’s Statement Before Being Extracted from Cape Verde by United States Regime

Letter from Alex Saab, published on Orinoco Tribune, October 21, 2021 Editorial note: This letter was read—with tears in her eyes—by Camila Fabri, Alex Saab’s wife, during a demonstration in repudiation of the second kidnapping of the Venezuelan diplomat from Cape Verde by the US, held in Caracas’ Plaza Bolívar on Sunday, October 17, attended by a crowd of indignant[…]

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Nicaragua, with Free Health Care and Education, Challenges U.S. Domination

by Sara Flounders, published on Workers World, October 20, 2021 The reason Nicaragua is labeled an “unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security of the U.S.” – a military corporate superpower – became abundantly clear to a delegation visiting the country Oct. 3 to 10. The delegation was organized by the Alliance for Global Justice/Nica Network. Nicaragua, a small[…]

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The United States Is Doubling Down On Deadly Sanctions

Produced by Sanctions Kill and Popular Resistance, published on Popular Resistance, October 21, 2021 New Treasury Report Ordered by President Biden Shows US is Intensifying its Economic Warfare Despite the COVID-19 Pandemic. Washington, DC – The 2021 Sanctions Review Report released by the United States Department of the Treasury on October 18 is an ominous warning. This unsigned report should[…]

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The Syrian Charity Scam

by Paul Larudee, published in Covert Action Magazine, October 20, 2021 Are major charitable organizations supporting terrorist organizations through tax-deductible donations while denying aid to those they claim to serve? Doctors Without Borders, the Syrian Emergency Task Force, the International Rescue Committee, the Syrian American Medical Society, the White Helmets, Syrian Forum USA, Islamic Relief USA, CARE, the Syrian American[…]

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