Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Traveling to Prove China Is Not Our Enemy

by Dee Knight, November 14, 2023 “China Is Not Our Enemy” was the theme of a ten-day visit to China in early November. The visit was designed to find and highlight a path to common prosperity and a shared future between China, the United States, and the rest of the world. Visiting China made me believe peace is possible. We[…]

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The Geopolitics of Al-Aqsa Flood

by Pepe Escobar, published on The Cradle, October 12, 2023 Global focus just shifted from Ukraine to Palestine. This new arena of confrontation will ignite further competition between the Atlanticist and Eurasian blocs. These fights are increasingly zero-sum ones; as in Ukraine, only one pole can emerge strengthened and victorious. Hamas’ Operation Al-Aqsa Flood was meticulously planned. The launch date[…]

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China-Syria Strategic Partnership Faces the US Imposed Stalemate

by Steven Sahiounie, published on Syria Support Movement, September 27, 2023 Interesting update.   I, for one, was unaware that that many of the Syrian oil fields currently occupied by the United States were taken over by China’s state owned oil company just 2 years before the U.S. pulled the trigger on the Syrian terrorist war.  Sinopec had also recently bought[…]

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BRICS and Camp David: Two Very Different Meetings

by Sara Flounders, published on Workers World, September 2, 2023 Note:  The following article first appeared in the Global Times on Aug. 28.  ( Within days of each other, two very different meetings of world significance were held.   The meetings sharply frame the choices.  What kind of future these two meetings represent deserves to be analyzed and compared. At[…]

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NY Times Publishes Hit Job on Anti-war Activists; Solidarity Must Be the Answer

by John Catalinotto, published on Workers World, August 16, 2023 Once in a while, the New York Times runs an article that reveals what this media conglomerate really represents. People often call the Times “liberal.” That’s because it seems to oppose some of the most reactionary politicians, like president #45, and gives ample opinion space to diverse voices. When Washington[…]

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Breaking News! Some on the Left Have Benefactors…

by Greg Godel, published on ZZ’s Blog, August 14, 2023 In June, I commented on a scurrilous article originally appearing in The Daily Beast and inexplicably reposted on the Portside website. Entitled, U.S Tech Mogul Bankrolls Pro-Russia, Pro-China News Network, the article accused several left groups of having not only received money from a benefactor sympathetic to the People’s Republic[…]

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Aggressive U.S. Push for Military Supremacy in the Arctic Could Trigger Nuclear War

by Jeremy Kuzmarov, published on CovertAction Magazine, July 14, 2023 From 1959 to 1966, the U.S. illegally stored nuclear weapons in Greenland in preparation for a nuclear attack on the Soviet Union and built an underground scientific research center right out of a James Bond movie. It resulted in the displacement of natives and has left a residue of environmental[…]

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Joe Biden Triggers Paralysis in the Production of Strategic Semiconductor Chips

by Prof Michel Chossudovsky, published on Global Research, July 23, 2023 Semiconductors constitute a strategic commodity, used in a variety of sectors including electronics, medical devices, electronic and communications networks etc.  There is evidence of manipulation, which has led to artificial shortages of semiconductors affecting a number of key sectors of the global economy. There are geopolitical implications: US Confrontation[…]

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As Yellen Dictates Terms to China What We Defend, What Wall Street Wants to Destroy

by Sara Flounders, published on Workers World, July 21, 2023 What is the material basis of the growing hostility on every level of the U.S. ruling class toward China? No great struggle is based on the personalities or aspirations of individuals. At the root is a very concrete, material basis that drives the conflict. Otherwise, meetings, discussions and diplomacy would[…]

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Multipolar Maneuvering in Indo-Pacific

by M.K. Bhadrakumar, published on Indian Punchline, July 19, 2023 On Monday, while delivering the keynote address at the annual China Business Summit held in Auckland, New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hipkins weighed in on the power dynamic in the Indo-Pacific. New Zealand’s estimation matters because it is a small country in Southern Pacific, heavily dependent on trade with China[…]

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