Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Puerto Ricans Resist Austerity Measures and Corporate Corruption

By Monica Cruz, published on Peoples Dispatch, October 20, 2021 On October 15, protestors shut down Puerto Rico’s Highway 18 in the capital San Juan chanting “Fuera Luma!”, our “Out Luma”, demanding an end to the government contract with the private energy company, Luma Energy. Their cries were echoed at protests on the same day in New York City, Miami and Philadelphia.[…]

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Nicaragua’s Indigenous Leaders Speak Out Against Misinformation and False Solutions

by Rick Sterling, excerpted from larger document by Stephen Sefton. You can download a PDF of this article HERE.  [jb] Nicaragua has an election upcoming on November 7. According to polls, the current Sandinista government is popular and expected to win. However, the Sandinista government is intensely disliked by Washington and there has been a steady stream of negative news[…]

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Encampment Cleared in a Racist Rush – Haiti Still Tottering

by G. Dunkel, published on Workers World, September 28, 2021 After images of the U.S. Border Patrol agents using long reins as whips against Haitians camped in Del Rio, Texas, trying to get into the U.S., spread worldwide, a top-level decision was made to shut the Del Rio camps down. Hundreds of progressive organizations condemned the Border Patrol’s actions —[…]

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The Hell That is Haiti

by Marty Goodman, published on Socialist Action, September 12, 2021 Haiti is being hit by an unending series of natural and human-made disasters – seemingly all at once. The assassination on July 7 of its president Jouvenel Moise; an Aug. 14 earthquake; tropical storms; rampaging gang violence and a COVID crisis in a society tortured by extreme poverty and inequality.[…]

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Cuba Creates and Reinvents Itself

by Angel Guerra Cabrera, published on Resumen, September 2, 2021 The Cuban Revolution has emerged strengthened once again from another ferocious onslaught by the United States, which sought to provoke a social explosion and the overthrow of the revolutionary project by force.   The media scoundrels have spoken of peaceful protests but many videos show scenes of violence and looting against[…]

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Hands off Cuba!

Statement from The U.S. Peace Council, July 14, 2021 The recent protests in Cuba over deteriorating conditions have a material basis that cannot be dismissed. No matter how heroic a people may be, socialism must provide for people’s material needs. The U.S. blockade of Cuba is designed precisely to thwart that and to discredit socialism in Cuba and anywhere else[…]

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Let the Cuban People Live! End the Blockade and Sanctions!

by Barry Shepphard, published on Socialist Action, July 24, 2021 President Biden has not only kept all of Trump’s sanctions designed to severely harm the Cuban people, he has added two more. His response to the July 11 protests in Cuba was to call for the overthrow of the socialist Cuban Revolution. The July 11 protests of the Cuban government[…]

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A Short History of Haiti

by Yanis Iqbal, published on Countercurrents, July 10, 2021 A reminder of the roots of the current Haitian upheaval. The 1697 Treaty of Ryswick legalized French control over the western third of the island of Hispaniola – a Spanish asset – under the name of Saint-Domingue. The colony proved to be a valuable spigot of wealth. In 1789, Saint-Domingue supplied[…]

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