Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Which way for the antiwar movement?   Demand ‘Negotiations’ or ‘Stop the Wars’?

by Sara Flounders, published on Workers World, November 15, 2022 As the war in Ukraine grows more protracted and dangerous, its consequences will arouse fear among many and opposition among those making the greatest sacrifices. The economic consequences of recession and growing inflation in the U.S. and the far greater disarray in the EU, caused by imposing sanctions on Russia,[…]

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Back to The Streets! Say NO to U.S. Wars!

by Minnie Bruce Pratt, published on Workers World, October 18, 2022 The United National Antiwar Coalition issued the call “Back to the streets! Say NO to U.S. wars!” for Oct. 15-22, and growing protests of people answered. UNAC’s goal is to “unify in collective action against the major perpetrator of war and injustice in the world: the U.S. government, along[…]

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Letter To President Biden: ‘Enough Is Enough – War Is Not The Answer’

by Gerry Condon, published on Popular Resistance, September 15, 2022 Letter to President Biden from Gerry Condon, former president of Veterans For Peace. Dear President Biden, I am writing you as a proud member of Veterans For Peace and its former president. We have been following the war in Ukraine closely, since well before the Russian invasion on February 24[…]

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Has the Ukraine Conflict Driven U.S. Government Officials Crazy?

by Jeremy Kuzmarov, published on CovertAction Magazine, August 5, 2022 Latest outrage is the FBI’s use of flash-bang grenades and drones to startle 80-year-old leader of Black Nationalist organization who was accused of being a Russian agent—on the grounds that he attended a meeting on self-determination in Moscow seven years ago. FBI also accuses alleged Russian agent of trying to[…]

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Celebrating Revolution in Nicaragua

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, July 20, 2022 Holidays in the United States celebrate awful events such as the settler colonists declaring independence from Britain so that they might take indigenous lands and protect slavery. There is also Thanksgiving, the commemoration of genocide turned into a day when Americans should think grateful thoughts before spending more than[…]

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Interview With Evo Morales; UK Role in Coup That Ousted Him;

by Matt Kennard, published on DeclassifiedUK, July 14, 2022 Matt Kennard interviews the former president of Bolivia about a range of subjects — including the British-backed coup of 2019, Julian Assange, NATO and transnational corporations  — at Morales’ house deep in the Amazon rainforest. THE COUP: ‘The UK participated in it – all for lithium’ THE BRITISH: ‘Superiority is so important to them,[…]

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