Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Left-Right White Solidarity Basis of Support for U.S./EU/NATO Wars on Global Humanity

by Ajamu Baraka, published on Towards Freedom, February 1, 2022 Some years ago, Italian anarchist Camillo Berneri suggested that while not always visible in the social practices of everyday European life, the racist foundation for European fascism was still present, safely confined to a space in the European psyche, but always ready to explode in what he called a “racist[…]

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A Delusional Commitment to “Full Spectrum Dominance” is leading the U.S. and the World to Disaster

by Ajamu Baraka, published on Black Agenda Report, November 23, 2021 The 21st Century was supposed to be the century of continued and unchallenged global dominance by the U.S., at least that was the plan advanced by the right-wing political hacks at the Project for a New American Century (PNAC). Their optimism was understandable. With the dismantling of the Soviet[…]

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U.S. role exposed Masses resist Sudan coup

by Sara Flounders, published on International Action Center, November 2, 2021 Incredible exposure of U.S. actions to humiliate and impoverish the Sudanese people and destabilize Sudan.   And the hypocrisy of it all.  The U.S. wants Sudan to pay sanctions to U.S. victims of their wars when they don’t have money to eat.   Of course the US would never consider doing[…]

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Blinken: US Policy Is to ‘Oppose the Reconstruction of Syria’

by Dave DeCamp, published on, October 13, 2021 Just in case you were wondering, or perhaps thought this was an accidental side-effect of punishing the much hated government of Syria…  [jb] On Wednesday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the US position on Syria is to “oppose” the country’s reconstruction and not support any attempts at normalization with the[…]

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The Great Immigration Invasion Hoax

by James Goodman, published in The Progressive Magazine,  August 17, 2021 Rightwing propaganda and Biden’s continuation of Trump era barriers to migrants and refugees attempting to cross the southern border collude to create an atmosphere of xenophobia and ignorance in the United States.  What was big news under the Trump Administration continues in the shadows under President Biden. Someone ought[…]

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Joe Biden’s US Foreign Policy: Return to the Old Normal?

by Roger Harris, published on Counterpunch, February 26, 2021 US President Biden bellicosely proclaimed, “American is back,” in his major foreign policy priorities speech at the Munich Security Conference on February 19. Repeated twice for effect, Biden signaled the end of the Trump interregnum. No more assuring words could have been uttered for George W. Bush’s former Defense Secretary Colin[…]

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Biden’s Magic Tricks: Watch Both of His Hands

by Bruce Gagnon, published on Organizing Notes, February 5, 2021 During the Obama administration the Modus operandi (MO) was to play magic tricks. Obama would announce a good thing and then at the same time do a really bad thing.  I started urging people to watch both of the magicians hands. Following Obama’s slight of hand tricks, Biden is off[…]

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Capital Riots Bring U.S. Foreign Policy Home

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, January 13, 2021 There needs to be soul searching and truth telling about invasions, interventions, coups and sanctions that are far more destructive than the Trump lovers could ever be. “The United States is not a ‘beacon of democracy’ or ‘shining city on a hill.’” The attack on the United States Capitol[…]

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Why We Focus on Africa

Black Alliance for Peace, published on Black Agenda Report, September 30, 2020 Africa can’t demonstrate independence and power because the entire continent has a giant U.S. military boot on its neck. “The presence of U.S. forces exacerbates violence and instability throughout the continent.” With reports each week of yet another Black victim of police violence, there is for many an[…]

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Latin American Ex-Presidents Stage ‘Rebellion on the Farm’ Following IADB Appointment

by Sergio Rodriguez Gelfenstein, published on Workers World, September 17, 2020 The web magazine published this article by its author, a Venezuelan analyst, on Sept. 3. The article refers to George Orwell’s novel,“Animal Farm,” which pro-imperialist intellectuals have used for reactionary purposes in the past. In this case the author highlights the role of Latin American bourgeois leaders who[…]

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