Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Syria: The Return to the Scene of Obama’s Crime

Statement by the Black Alliance for Peace, published on The Black Alliance for Peace, December 10, 201 The US regime change campaign against Syria began after Barack Obama succeeded in destroying the Libyan state. All of his successors followed the same playbook.  The U.S. Must Stop Supporting Right-Wing Forces to Advance Its’ Geopolitical Agenda Around the world, many hoped that[…]

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U.S. Post 9/11 Wars Caused 4.5 Million Deaths, Displaced 38-60 Million People, Study Shows

by Ben Norton, published on Black Agenda Report, May 24, 2023 Wars the US waged in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Pakistan, Libya and Somalia following September 11, 2001 caused at least 4.5 million deaths and displaced 38 to 60 million people, with 7.6 million children starving today, according to studies by Brown University. Originally published in Geopolitical Economy . The[…]

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Eleven Years Ago: US-NATO Invasion of Libya and Its Consequences

by Shane Quinn, published on Global Research, March 19, 2022 Eleven years ago, on 19 March 2011, the United States and its military arm NATO unleashed a sustained bombardment against Libya, where Colonel Muammar Gaddafi had been in charge for over four decades. Gaddafi would be killed in brutal fashion seven months later, while Libya descended into chaos as warring[…]

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On 10th Anniversary of the U.S.-NATO Attack on Libya: Powerful Perpetrators Have Yet To Face Justice

by Jeremy Kuzmarov, published on Covert Action Magazine, March 19, 2021 On this day ten years ago, the Obama administration launched air strikes over Libya under the banner of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), which culminated in the killing of Libya’s long-time ruler Muammar Qaddafi on October 21, 2011. The bombing was presented to the public as a moral[…]

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Ten Years Ago U.S.-NATO Forces Demolished Libya

by Manlio Dinucci, published on Workers World, March 19, 2021 Ten years ago, on March 19, 2011, U.S.-NATO forces began the air and sea bombardment of Libya. The war was directed by the United States, first through its Africa Command, then through NATO under U.S. command. In seven months, the U.S.-NATO air force carried out 30,000 sorties, 10,000 of which[…]

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Gaddafi vs the West: Two Revolutions on the Wrong Side of History

by Garikai Chengu, published on CounterPunch, September 10, 2019 Originally, I had published an older article by the same author in this location as part of a pre-New-Years retrospective.  However, I did not have an accurate date for the original publication.  This is a more current article, and even more instructive.  Sorry about the switch but I think you will[…]

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AFRICOM Crying Russia in Libya: A Pot and Kettle Syndrome

by Netfa Freeman, published on Black Agenda Report, August 5, 2020 The US waged unprovoked war against Libya and has militarily occupied Africa, but is still singing its old song that Russia is the aggressor on the continent. “Not one liberal politician will unequivocally declare that the US has no moral business in Africa and AFRICOM has no legitimate or[…]

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Libya Before and After Muammar Gaddhafi

by Roxana Baspineiro, Published on Black Agenda Report, February 5, 2020 Nine years after his death, residents in the chaos-wracked country’s capital have grown to miss the longtime leader as the frustrations of daily life mount. “Gaddafi ruled for 42 years, leading Libya to a significant advance in social, political and economic matters.” Nine years after the military intervention, led by[…]

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Gaddafi vs The West: 2 Revolutions on The Wrong Side of History

by Garikai Chengu, from Black Agenda Report, September 25, 2019 Gaddafi’s revolution created one of the 21st century’s most profoundly successful experiments in economic democracy. “The West’s objective was to oust Gaddafi, install a puppet regime, and gain control of Libya’s natural resources.” This month marks half a century since Muammar Gaddafi’s Libyan revolution, which led to the overthrow of[…]

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