Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Treatment of Severe Mental Illness in the U.S. and Cuba – a Comparison

 by Sue Harris, published on Workers World, September 26, 2023 Two hundred years ago, people with serious mental illness (SMI) were often placed in prison because society didn’t know how to care for them. After reformers fought for more humane treatment for the mentally ill, their care moved to mental institutions in the 1800s. However, these large mental asylums were[…]

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Coalition Calls on the City of Chicago to Grant Permits for March on Democratic National Convention

by Zhenya Polozova, published on Fightback News, September 20, 2023 Chicago, IL – The Coalition to March on the DNC hosted a press conference at Chicago City Hall the morning of September 19, calling on the city to issue a previously-denied permit recognizing the right of working and oppressed people to march within sight and sound of the August 2024[…]

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Historic Palestine Writes Festival triumphs over opposition

by Betsey Piette, published on Workers World, September 20, 2023 The resistance aroused by a Zionist assault on the Palestine Writes Festival this Sept. 22-24 weekend at the University of Pennsylvania turned the event from what would have already been a marked success into a defiant triumph over Zionism and repression. Had the Zionists and their allies among the Trustees[…]

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CUBA Statement from Iranian Friends at HOLA

Statement by HOLA, September 25, 2023 Statement of the House of Latin America (HOLA) on the terrorist act against Cuban embassy in Washington Hours after more than thousand of people gathered in a meeting in New York city – with the presence of the Cuban president – to express solidarity with Cuban people and demand an end to brutal sanctions[…]

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Where is the Outrage?

by Maria Paez Victor, published on Counterpunch, September 22, 2023 “How about we’re buying oil from Venezuela? When I left, Venezuela was ready to collapse. We would’ve taken it over; we would have gotten all that oil; it would’ve been right next door. But now we’re buying oil from Venezuela, we’re making a dictator very rich. Can you believe this?[…]

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Declaration of the Summit of Heads of State of the G77 and China

The summit held in Havana was attended by more than 1,300 participants from 116 countries and 12 organizations and agencies of the United Nations system. Thirty-three nations from Latin America and the Caribbean, 46 from Africa, 34 from Asia and three from Europe were represented. Thirty-one heads of state and government, 12 vice presidents, dozens of ministers from multiple portfolios[…]

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Why Barack Obama Can’t Shut Up

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, September 20, 2023 “If you’re looking to help people impacted by the floods in Libya, check out these organizations providing relief” Barack Obama If it can be said that one person is responsible for the awful death toll from the recent flooding in eastern Libya, Barack Obama should be named as the[…]

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Movement ‘not afraid’ as ‘Stop Cop City’ activists face felony charges

by Dianne Mathiowetz, published on Workers World, September 12, 2023 Bulletin: As of Sept. 11, Atlanta City officials refused to verify signatures in time for the November election in a memo issued by the City Clerk office. This development followed a dramatic and exuberant delivery of 16 cardboard boxes holding petitions of 116,000 registered Atlanta voters to have the issue[…]

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