Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

When Genocide is No Longer Genocide

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, December 13, 2023 Some of Israel’s defenders want to do away with the concept of genocide in hopes of washing away its war crimes. Any redefinition would allow the U.S. to disappear the many genocides it has committed domestically and internationally. “We maintain, therefore, that the oppressed Negro citizens of the United[…]

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Musings from the Margins #4: Black Lackeys, White Social Democrats, Human Rights and Empire’s Decline

Black Agenda Report Editor and Columnist Ajamu Baraka has thoughts on Black Misleadership, faux Human Rights, the Decline of the Empire, White Social Democrats and other issues. What makes the white supremacy so incredibly dangerous is what I call the psychopathology of white supremacy. It is a racialized narcissistic cognitive disorder that centers so-called white people’s and European civilization and renders the afflicted with[…]

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US Imperialism Inflicts Untold Horrors On Niger, Among the World’s Poorest Nations

by John Pottinger, published on Socialist Action, December 11, 2023 Even before the popular July 26, 2022 coup d’état that removed the US-backed and pro-French government, Niger was the seventh poorest country in the world. With a 37 percent literacy rate, only 20 percent of the population has access to electricity in a country with some of the largest uranium[…]

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A Stunning Rebuke, U.N. Cease-fire Vote Humiliates U.S. Imperialism

by Sara Flounders, published on Workers World, December 12, 2023 The United Nations Security Council vote on December 8, calling for an immediate cease-fire in Palestine, was a public humiliation of the United States. When explaining their vote, numerous countries denounced the U.S. — Israel’s number one supporter — as the accomplice, the enabler and the real force behind the[…]

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The One State Reality

by Ann Garrison, published on Black Agenda Report, December 13, 2023 Recognizing the one state reality of Israel-Palestine instead of two-state dreaming would be a huge paradigm shift with huge implications. On December 8th, the UN Security Council voted 13 to 1 for a resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. The US cast the only no vote, exercising its veto[…]

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Court Rules Against Voting Rights—Opens Door to Return of Jim Crow Racist Laws

by Malik Miah, published on Socialist Action, December 6, 2023 A federal court on November 20 issued a decision that would severely curtail enforcement of the Voting Rights Act,(VRA) that could affect voters of color nationwide and will probably be appealed to the Supreme Court. The decision opens the door wider to a return to Jim Crow laws that once[…]

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Getting Serious About Halting Israeli Genocide

by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, December 13, 2023 On Friday, December 8, the UN Security Council met under Article 99 for only the fourth time in the UN’s history. Article 99 is an emergency provision that allows the Secretary General to summon the Council to respond to a crisis that “threatens the maintenance of international peace and[…]

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Stopping Genocide

by Craig Murray, published on, December 7, 2023 Every single state in the world has a positive duty to intervene to prevent the Genocide in Gaza now, not after a court has reached a determination of genocide. This is made crystal clear in para 431 of the International Court of Justice judgment in Bosnia vs Serbia: This obviously does[…]

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Kissinger And the Class He Served

by John Catalinoto, published on Workers World, December 5, 2023 When a leading political figure of U.S. imperialism, someone hated by hundreds of millions of people, if not billions, dies — as Henry Kissinger did last week — writing an analysis of their role presents a challenge. This challenge does not regard repeating the details of this individual’s life. It’s[…]

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