Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Women and Children Targeted in U.S. War on Migrants

Family members and neighbors in the Indigenous community of Claudia Patricia Gómez Gonzáles, dead in Texas, grieve in her home in Los Alonzo, near San Juan Ostuncalco, department of Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. by Chris Fry, originally published on Workers World Claudia Patricia Gomez Gonzales, an unarmed woman from Guatemala, was shot in the head and killed on May 23 by Customs[…]

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The Defeat of U.S. Imperialism is a Strategic Necessity, Not A Single Issue

“Anti-colonial nationalism is the antithesis of US imperial rule, which is predicated to the unmitigated corporate and military plunder of the planet.” by Danny Haiphong, originally published on Black Agenda Report Many in the United States have a hard time seeing beyond single issues or individuals. The ruling class has taken full advantage by relegating the blame for the problems[…]

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South Korean President Moons Bolton

South Korean President Moon Jae-in shakes hands with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un during their summit at the truce village of Panmunjom, North Korea, May 26, 2018. Photo: The Presidential Blue House /Handout via REUTERS By Ray McGovern, originally published on Consortium News, May 26, 2018 Thanks no doubt to his bellicose national security adviser John Bolton, President Donald[…]

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On the Liberation of Yarmouk Refugee Camp

On Tuesday, the Al-Eis crossing in the southern Aleppo countryside witnessed the entry of Hayyat Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS) militants from the Yarmouk camp in Damascus to the countryside of Idlib as part of recently-reached agreement with the government. ~ AlAlam by Ken Stone of Syria Solidarity Movement The Syrian Arab Army (SAA), allied Palestinian militias, and the government of Syria[…]

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How Capitalism Fails

A lecture by Yanis Varoufakis, in Cambridge Massachusetts, May 2018 Yanis Varoufakis was the Greek Minister of Finance with the Syriza party government, who resigned after 6 months.   The Syriza Party proclaimed itself ready to make radical changes necessary to restore Greek sovereignty and economic stability.  In 2015, when the Syriza government held a referendum on leaving the EU,[…]

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Venezuela Defeats US In Election

Above: Graffiti depicting late Venezuelan President (1999-2013) Hugo Chavez (L), South American independence hero, the liberator, Simon Bolivar (C) and Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro in Caracas, Venezuela. Getty Images. by Kevin Zeese, originally published on Popular Resistance Upon returning to the United States from Venezuela and reading the terrible media reporting of the election, it was evident that the people of the[…]

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U.S. Planning for Remote Warfare

by Matthew Hoh, edited by Nick Mottern, published on KnowDrones ~ My concern is where the US military presence is headed in the Greater Middle East, and Muslim world: Less footprint, greater use of remote or standoff (U.S.- based) attack measures, satellite/space based resources and the use of proxy forces to do the killing and destruction. ~ Major bases such[…]

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