Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Canada Should Not Accept White Helmets as Refugees

The White Helmet center shared with Nusra Front in Al Madiq Citadel around 700 meters from the Al Skeilbiyyeh NDF front lines. (Photo: Vanessa Beeley) by John Ryan, published on Global Research, August 21, 2018 Editor:  This article was written in August, but the White Helmets just recently arrived in Canada. America’s media’s propaganda is designed to not only affect[…]

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Crucifying Julian Assange

Reino Unido (Londres), 16 de Junio del 2013. Simpatizantes de Julian Assange se reúnen en los exteriores de la embajada ecuatoriana en Londres. Foto: Xavier Granja Cedeño/Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores. by Chris Hedges, published on TruthDig Website, November 12, 2018 Julian Assange’s sanctuary in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London has been transformed into a little shop of horrors. He has[…]

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Urgent Call: Gaza under attack! Stand with Palestine, Stand with the Resistance

Bombs are once again falling on Gaza, the largest open air prison in the world, packed with civilians.   The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine calls in an urgent action for the friends of Palestine, movements for justice and liberation and the Palestinian and Arab communities everywhere in the world to stand with Gaza under attack at this critical[…]

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Western Media Make One Death a Tragedy, Millions a Statistic

by Finian Cunningham, published on Strategic Culture, November 10, 2018 The Western media coverage devoted to the murdered Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi proves the cynical adage that one person’s death is a tragedy, while millions of deaths are a mere statistic. During the past four weeks since Khashoggi went missing at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, the case has been[…]

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Yemen – Holding Hodeidah Is The Houthi’s Last Chance

* Featured Image: Photo of Hodeida grain silo by  Yemeni journalist, Ahmed Abdulkareem, illustrates his article, “UN Food Storage Facility Targeted as Saudi Coalition Closes in on Hodeida“, published in MIntPress News. 11/09/18 by Bernhard of  Moon of Alabama, November 10, 2018 From last weeks MoA review: October 31 – Yemen – After 200,000 Died An Embarrassed U.S. Finally Calls[…]

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The rise of right-wing violence in Trump’s America

By John Leslie, published on Socialist Action, November, 2018 Homemade pipe bombs sent to prominent Democrats and Trump critics sparked nationwide fear and an FBI manhunt. The 14 bombs were sent to billionaire George Soros, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former President Barack Obama, Former Vice President Joe Biden, actor Robert DeNiro, and others. One of the devices was[…]

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Voices Rising for Yemen – Final Day

Header and photos all from Voices for Creative Nonviolence by Kathy Kelly, published on Voices for Creative Nonviolence, November 8, 2018 Over these past three days, Voices and a coalition of justice-minded organizations have been at and around the United Nations in New York City protesting the ongoing U.S.-Saudi attack on famine- imperiled Yemen.  Details are available at along[…]

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What to do the day after America’s elections?

** Header Image by Dan Burgevin by Bruce Gagnon, published on Organizing Notes, November 7, 2018 The Washington Post reports this morning: The deep divisions that have defined American politics in the era of President Trump played out across the country in Tuesday’s midterm elections, as Democrats scored victories in key races in Republican-held suburban House districts but ran into[…]

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