Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

The World is DeDollarizing

By Peter Koenig, published on Global Research, July 19, 2019 What if tomorrow nobody but the United States would use the US-dollar? Every country, or society would use their own currency for internal and international trade, their own economy-based, non-fiat currency. It could be traditional currencies or new government controlled crypto-currencies, but a country’s own sovereign money. No longer the[…]

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The War Whisperers, Their Successful Iraq War, and the Targeting of Iran

by Sanam Naraghi Anderlini, published on LobeLog, July 15, 2019 As Iran and the United States edge closer to war, while Europe scrambles to reduce tensions, the chorus of U.S. foreign policy and military experts and journalists criticizing the Trump administration’s tactics is also reaching a crescendo. Despite deep political divisions, on this issue there is broad agreement across the[…]

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Who Killed Oscar and Valeria: The Inconvenient History of the Refugee Crisis

by Ramzy Baroud, published on Middle East Monitor, July 17, 2019 History never truly retires. Every event of the past, however inconsequential, reverberates throughout and, to an extent, shapes our present, and our future as well The haunting image of the bodies of Salvadoran father, Oscar Alberto Martinez Ramirez and his daughter, Valeria, who were washed ashore at a riverbank[…]

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Making the Worst Case Appear the Better

Editor’s Note: I haven’t been actively following Russiagate here because it has long been my assessment that there is ‘no there there’.   However, Ray has written a neat tie-up, and if it isn’t over now, I don’t know what it will take.   I will have to write a ‘killing the zombie’ piece myself. by Ray McGovern, published on Consortium News,[…]

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The US Has Been Destroying Ilhan Omar’s ‘Home’ Country for Decades

by Ed Sykes, from Information Clearing House, originally published on The Canary, July 10, 2019 Donald Trump has been attacking progressive congresswoman Ilhan Omar for months. But his rhetoric stepped up this week when he told her – a refugee and the first Somali-American member of congress – to “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested”[…]

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The “Squad” Will Have to Realize that You Can’t Defeat White Supremacy with White Supremacy

by Ajamu Baraka, from Black Agenda Report, July 8, 2019 The “squad” condemns Trump for his white nationalism, not understanding that as a white supremacist settler-colonial state, white nationalism is “American” nationalism. “Biden as a neoliberal white supremacist imperialist was always clear where he stood.” The story of Trump’s white nationalist tweets is still the object of intense discussion with the[…]

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They Shot to Kill: Israeli Snipers Shoot 10-Year-Old Boy in the Head

by Yumna Patel, Published on Mondweiss, July 15, 2010 For eight years, the residents of the northern occupied West Bank village of Kafr Qaddum have protested every single Friday, rain or shine, against Israeli land confiscations and the closure of the village’s southern road by Israeli forces. The villagers have faced their fair share of bullets, tear gas, injuries, and[…]

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How Israel Systematically Hides Evidence of 1948 Expulsion of Arabs

For nearly 20 years, Defense Ministry teams have scoured local archives and removed troves of historic documents to conceal proof of the 1948 ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, including documents reporting rapes, looting, the demolition of villages and killing of civilians…. General Elad Peled: “My platoon blew up 20 homes with everything that was there.” Lev Tov: “While people were sleeping[…]

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