Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

COVID-19: The Capitalist Emperor Has No Clothes

by Ajamu Baraka, published by Black Agenda Report, April 1, 2020 The systemic failure of the capitalist order triggered by the coronavirus has reinforced the growing awareness that extreme wealth inequality is a fundamental characteristic of the system. “Billions of dollars were allocated to business while millions of people are facing an increasingly desperate situation.” As the capitalist emperor strolls[…]

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Haiti on the Precipice

Haiti on the precipice as coronavirus and US-imposed leadership take their toll By Jeb Sprague and Nazaire St. Fort, published on The Grayzone, March 30, 2020 Haitian President Jovenel Moïse announced on March 19 that two citizens in Haiti had tested positive for Covid-19, known popularly simply as the coronavirus. The government has closed Haiti’s border, ports, and airports to[…]

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Capitalism Is the Virus! Bail Out Working People, Not the Corporate Elite!

by Jeff Mackler, published on Socialist Action. The U.S. Senate’s March 25, $2 trillion 97-0, COVID-19 corporate bailout vote gifted the ruling rich an amount never exceeded in world history. The overwhelming portion went directly to the coffers of the billionaire elite for whom the lives of literally millions of Americans are subordinate to their horror at seeing their casino[…]

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US Blockade Prevents Medical Supplies from Reaching Cuba

Published on TeleSUR English, April 1 , 2020 It is interesting to note that Jack Ma also donated masks and ventilators to the United States.[ed] Jack Ma, a Chinese entrepreneur and founder of Alibaba, allocated a donation of masks, rapid diagnostic kits, and ventilators. This aid was intended for the patients affected by COVID-19 and the medical staff on the[…]

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COVID-19 and Revolutionary Change

by Margaret Kimberley, published in Black Agenda Report, Freedom Rider, March 25, 2020 The genie has escaped from the bottle, revealing the deep injustices and cruelties that are embedded in US capitalism and its warped relationship to the peoples it rules, and the world. “COVID-19 is an opportunity to demand change while the people are paying attention to the crisis.”[…]

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Israel Confiscates Materials for Clinic in the West Bank

From B’tselem Website, March 26,  2020 This morning, Thursday, 26 March 2020, at around 7:30 am, officials from Israel’s Civil Administration in the West Bank arrived with a military jeep escort, a bulldozer and two flatbed trucks with cranes at the Palestinian community of Khirbet Ibziq in the northern Jordan Valley. They confiscated poles and sheeting that were meant to[…]

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The U.S. is a Failed State and COVID-19 Proves it

by Danny Haiphong, published on Black Agenda Report, March 25, 2020 The United States’ capitalist and imperialist economy cannot provide a modicum of social welfare to its people and has been in perpetual war with Black Americans and Indigenous Peoples since its formation. “COVID-19 proves that the United States’ war on the world is a drag on humanity.” U.S. imperialism[…]

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Coronavirus and Militarism, The End of an Illusion

Statement from the Black Alliance for Peace The nation that considers itself to be the apex of capitalist achievement on planet Earth turns out to have no health care system worthy of the name – a testament to the sucking moral vacuum at America’s imperial, white settler colony core. A lowly virus – a form of being that exists at[…]

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