Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

At London Israel Demo, Calls to “Burn” Palestinian Villages

by Asa Winstanley, published on Electronic Intifada, June 1, 2021 The original article has numerous links and tweets containing videos and other supporting information.  To see them click the link above.   I just want to establish here that this is happening and Asa Winstanley’s bold reporting definitely does that. [jb] Britain’s leading pro-Israel groups have come under fire after their[…]

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Antisemitism’s Misdirection: Who Gets Hurt?

by Ira Glunts, published on Counterpunch, June 3, 2021 The article by Max Blumenthal linked below gives detailed examples and analysis. [jb] Unfounded or unconfirmed charges of antisemitism made by US pro-Israel organizations which are then parroted by the pro-Zionist US mainstream press, always increase when Israeli actions become so hideous they shame even some of its most dedicated supporters.[…]

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Palestine is a Mirror Into the Contemporary World Struggle Against Imperialism and its Contradictions

by Danny Haiphong, published on Black Agenda Report, May 27, 2021 One cannot logically support the liberation of Palestine while simultaneously advocating regime change in Syria and Venezuela and obscene funding for the US military. “Palestinians deserve full solidarity in their ongoing struggle to liberate themselves and their land.” Unity among the people of colonized Palestine has engendered a violent[…]

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Nicaragua and the Western Human Rights Industry

by Stephen Sefton, Tortilla Con Sal, published on TeleSUR English, April 9, 2021 John Heartfield’s famous photomontage of a newspaper cabbagehead had the caption “Whoever Reads Bourgeois Newspapers Becomes Blind and Deaf!” The caption is even more true now as the 21st Century moves into its third decade. Western reporting of all kinds is strained through the filters of corporate-dominated intellectual managerial[…]

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Why Shady Billionaire-Funded NGOs Pushed a PBS Report on Nicaraguan “Conflict Beef”

by Rick Sterling, published on MintPress News, May 24, 2021 “He who pays the piper, calls the tune,” and the neoliberal era has spawned individuals with incredible wealth who, through “philanthropy,” can feel good and flex their influence at the same time. While these philanthropists can be liberal on some issues, they almost universally support U.S. foreign policy and the[…]

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Decree 575, A Coup D’état In Colombia

by Joaquin Romero, from Labor Today, June 1, 2021 Labor Today would like to thank Joaquin Romero, Member of the WFTU Presidents Council and President of Funtramiexico for this excellent report and manifesto of the workers of Colombia who continue their courageous general strike and their opposition to the fascist government of President Iván Duque Márquez.  Please send messages of[…]

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Biden Should Make Normalizing Relations with Cuba “A Priority”

by Medea Benjamin, June 1, 2021 Silvia from Miami, Eduardo from Hialeah, Abel from Lakeland. The names pour in on the donations page for “Syringes to Cuba” as Carlos Lazo promotes the campaign on his popular Facebook livestream. An energetic Cuban-American high school teacher in Seattle, Lazo created a group called Puentes de Amor, Bridges of Love, to unite Cuban[…]

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Cuba: The Murderous Blockade

La Jornada Editorial, published on Resumen English, May 29, 2021 In the midst of an increase in the number of COVID-19 infections, the illegal blockade imposed against Cuba by Washington and maintained over the past more than 60 years has become the best ally of the coronavirus in Cuba. As Yuri Valdes, Associate Director of the Finlay Vaccine Institute revealed,[…]

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