Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

The Anti-Racist Manifesto of Colectiva Feminista En Construcción, 2020

by Editors, The Black Agenda Review, September 21, 2022 The Anti-Racist Manifesto of Puerto Rico’s Colectiva Feminista en Construcción (La Cole) outlines a radical solution to capitalism, colonialism, and climate change. Natural disasters are also catastrophes of colonialism and neoliberalism. Take, for instance, Hurricane Fiona. A category 1 hurricane that made landfall on Puerto Rico on September 18th, Fiona knocked[…]

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Dramatic U-Turn/U.S. Recognizes Alex Saab as Special Envoy of Venezuela

By William Camacaro, published on Workers World, September 22, 2022 This article was first published by Orinoco Tribune. William Camacaro is a Venezuelan-American, National Co-Coordinator in the Alliance for Global Justice and was a co-founder of the Bolivarian Circle of New York “Alberto Lovera” and Senior Analyst for the Council on Hemispheric Affairs (COHA).  After more than two years questioning[…]

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A People’s Analysis of a World on Fire

by Manuel Bertoldi, published on People’s Dispatch, September 24, 2022 The following article is a summary of debates and reflections within the organization ALBA Movimientos, which were discussed during the last meeting of the International Peoples’ Assembly. These are observations made based on the daily reality in which the peoples of the world exist: in a turbulent world with an[…]

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Anti-War Voices Warn US Bill on Taiwan ‘Will Make War Much More Likely’

by Brett Wilkins, published on Common Dreams, September 15, 2022 Sen. Ed Markey, who voted against the measure, said lawmakers must “do everything we can to avoid a situation that could draw two nuclear-armed countries into a conflict.” A U.S. Senate committee on Wednesday approved a bill to dramatically boost American military support for Taiwan, a move that prompted warnings[…]

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The US Response to the World’s Worst Humanitarian Crisis: Seize and Privatize

by Andrés Arauz, published on Counterpunch, September 19, 2022 A deep explanation for the technically inclined of where Afghanistan’s frozen wealth derives from and why they can’t be dismissed as an “asset” of the Taliban government.    It also explains how frozen accounts related to unilateral coercive measures on other countries distort their economies.  [jb] On August 10, more than 70[…]

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Asylum, Migration and U.S. Foreign Policy

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, September 21, 2022 Immigration rules are often determined by U.S. foreign policy. Citizens of nations under U.S. attack, such as Venezuela, are made eligible for asylum. Haitians suffer under U.S. dictates but are deported and returned to the hell that Washington created. Every day the republican governors of Texas, Greg Abbott, and Florida,[…]

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Strike, Strike, Strike

by Chris Hedges, published on The Chris Hedges Report, September 18, 2022 The mounting social inequality is fueling protests around the globe. The global ruling class is determined to prevent these protests from employing the weapon that can bring them down — strikes. The ruling oligarchs are terrified that, for tens of millions of people, the economic dislocation caused by[…]

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Evil Empire: Let the Monarchy Die Along With Elizabeth

by Sonali Kolhatkar, distributed by Economy for All, 9/17/2022 The death of Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-serving monarch of British royalty, has sparked global fascination and spawned thousands of clickbait reports of the details of her funeral. Americans, who centuries ago rejected monarchy, are seemingly obsessed with the ritualism, bizarrely mourning the demise of an elderly and fabulously wealthy woman[…]

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David vs. Goliath: Nicaragua’s Independence

By Becca Renk, published on Casa Benjamin Linder Website, September 15, 2022 [Español Abajo] This week Nicaragua is celebrating its Independence Days – on September 14th the celebration of the Battle of San Jacinto won against U.S. filibusters in 1856, and on September 15th the commemoration of Central America’s independence from Spain in 1821. At my daughter’s sixth birthday party[…]

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War Propaganda Threatens Nuclear Meltdown

by G. Dunkel, published on Workers World, September 14, 2022 The United States and its imperialist allies in the European Union have a big political problem. The embargo/boycott that they so swiftly and gleefully placed on Russia’s energy exports, mainly oil and gas, had the unintended consequence of guaranteeing much higher profits to Russia in selling to markets outside U.S./EU[…]

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