Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Race, Rights and Repression: The Moral and Political Dilemma of the Capitalist Dictatorship

by Ajamu Baraka and Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, September 4, 2024 BAR Executive Editor Margaret Kimberley talks to Ajamu Baraka, BAR Editor and Columnist about the upcoming presidential election and how the outcome will impact international and domestic policy. Ajamu provides his analysis on Palestine, the Ukraine/Russia war, U.S. imperialism in Africa, police militarism, and the federal[…]

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The Ukrainian Solidarity Network: The Highest Stage of White Western Social Imperialism

by Ajamu Baraka, published on Black Agenda Report, January 18, 2023 The Ukraine conflict was caused by the U.S. backed right wing coup in 2014 and the duplicity of Europeans who claimed to be working for peace. Anyone who supports these actions but claims leftist credentials must be challenged.  “It is urgent to end this war as soon as possible. This[…]

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‘Minsk II Was Agreed On To Arm Ukraine’ – Did Merkel Really Say That?

by  Moon of Alabama, published Popular Resistance, December 10, 2022 Helmholtz Smith, Andrew Korybko and Andrei Martyanov have some thoughts about a recent interview the former German chancellor Angela Merkel gave to the German weekly broadsheet Die Zeit. Smith says it shows that the ‘West’ is not trustworthy. Korybko thinks the interview will prolong the conflict in Ukraine. Martyanov says that Merkel is stupid. She isn’t. In[…]

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Which way for the antiwar movement?   Demand ‘Negotiations’ or ‘Stop the Wars’?

by Sara Flounders, published on Workers World, November 15, 2022 As the war in Ukraine grows more protracted and dangerous, its consequences will arouse fear among many and opposition among those making the greatest sacrifices. The economic consequences of recession and growing inflation in the U.S. and the far greater disarray in the EU, caused by imposing sanctions on Russia,[…]

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Progressive Caucus Reversal Shows U.S. Congress Alows No Antiwar Voice

by Sara Flounders, published on Workers World, November 1, 2022 The cynicism of “Congressional Progressive Caucus” Democrats was exposed in their humiliating retraction this week of a letter sent to President Joe Biden calling on him to engage in direct diplomacy with the Russian government. After the backlash from Congressional Democrats, including some signers of the statement, in less than[…]

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Joe Lombardo Interview: An Objective Look at U.S. Foreign Policy

by John Rachel, published on Peace Dividend, August 10, 2020 Events continue to unfold at a quickening pace. Facing an alarming escalation in tensions around the world, we asked Joe Lombardo for his most current thoughts. We focus here on the realities of the international power struggle unfolding in real time, specifically addressing the role of the U.S. in the[…]

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With Its Doomsday Clock Set at 100 Seconds to Midnight, The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists Calls for Escalating U.S. Aggression Against Russia

By Roger D. Harris, Published on Black Agenda Report, February 16, 2022 The venerated Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists is not a formation that peace advocates can support. Its recent statements on the US manufactured Ukraine crisis are supportive of US/NATO imperialism. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists emerged after World War II as a voice for peace by some of[…]

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Demand that the U.S. and NATO Pull Back Their Forces from Russia’s Borders

 Statement by the Chicago Anti-War Coalition (CAWC), January 27, 2022 The U.S. and Britain have in recent days sent at least 90 tons of military  equipment to the government of  Ukraine. This is in addition to placing thousands of troops currently stationed in the U.S. on high alert. Whether those measures are serious harbingers of a U.S./NATO war with Russia[…]

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