Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Why is NATO going global?

by Bruce Gagnon, published on Organizing Notes, December 29, 2020 One of the pre-conditions for Soviet support for the reunification of East & West Germany was the promise from the US that NATO would not expand ‘one centimeter’ toward the Russian borders.  The Soviet Union’s Warsaw Pact alliance folded after its collapse thus making no need for NATO. Instead since[…]

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URGENT CALL TO ACTION: Support the UN Resolution Against Unilateral Coercive Measures

Posted by People’s Mob Dear Friends of Peace and Justice, As you are well aware, for decades the U.S. government and its European allies have been illegally using unilateral economic sanctions (“Unilateral Coercive Measures”) as a weapon of war and mass destruction to topple governments that do not submit to the U.S. and European states’ domination of their country. The[…]

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Syria Forming a New Constitutional Draft Committee

Steven Sahiounie,  Published on the Middle East Observer,  August 5, 2019 UN Special Envoy for Syria Geir Pedersen said, “I’m very pleased that now we seem to be closer to establishing the constitutional committee,” Syria’s post-war government and new constitution are seen as crucial components of the Syrian peace process which could see the end of the 8-year conflict. A 150-member committee made up[…]

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UNGA Overwhelmingly Votes Against Cuba Blockade, All US Amendments Defeated

Image:  Billboard in Havana, Cuba that reads in Spanish: “Blockade, the longest genocide in history.” Nov. 1, 2018 | Photo: Reuters TeleSUR reported the following on November 1, 2018. Israel and the United States were once again the only two countries to vote in favor of the brutal economic blockade against Cuba. United Nations member states voted 189 to 2[…]

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Todays Wars Have Roots in Tragic 1993 US Intervention in Somalia

By Ann Wright, previously published on and Several days ago, a journalist contacted me about a memorandum titled “Legal and human rights aspects of UNOSOM military operations” I had written in 1993, twenty-five years ago.  At the time, I was the chief of the Justice Division of the United Nations Operations in Somalia (UNOSOM).  I had been seconded[…]

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Nikki Haley: Damn the UN Human Rights Council and the Rest of You Too

by Ann Garrison, originally published on Black Agenda Report, June 20, 2018 “More censure of Israel is no doubt in the works, given Israel’s latest massacres in Gaza.” On Tuesday, June 19, UN Ambassador Nikki Haley announced US withdrawal from the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) now meeting in Geneva. The UNHRC is stacked with human rights abusers including[…]

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The ICC Plays Scripted Role in Regime Change Plot Against Venezuela

United Nations U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley, right, listens as Organization of American States Secretary General Luis Almargo speaks during a U.N. meeting on human rights concerns in Venezuela, Monday Nov. 13, 2017 at U.N. headquarters. (AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews)  by Dakota Lilly, previously published in Mint Press News THE HAGUE, NETHERLANDS (Opinion) — The prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Fatou[…]

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