Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Brazil’s Lula Proposes Creating Latin American Currency to ‘Be Freed of US Dollar’ Dependency

by Benjamin Norton, published on Multipolarista, May 6, 2022 Brazil’s left-wing leader Lula da Silva has proposed creating a pan-Latin American currency, in order to “be freed of the dollar.” A founder of Brazil’s Workers’ Party, Lula served as president for two terms, from 2003 to 2011. He is now the leading candidate as Brazil’s October 2022 presidential elections approach.[…]

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The World is DeDollarizing

By Peter Koenig, published on Global Research, July 19, 2019 What if tomorrow nobody but the United States would use the US-dollar? Every country, or society would use their own currency for internal and international trade, their own economy-based, non-fiat currency. It could be traditional currencies or new government controlled crypto-currencies, but a country’s own sovereign money. No longer the[…]

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