Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

New US Strategy in Syria For Regime Change

by Steven Sahiounie, published on Mideast Discourse, February 14, 2022 Syria seems forgotten in the U.S. but the Caesar Sanctions, U.S. proxy occupation of the oil wells and wheat fields, and Turkish support for Salafists (including ISIS and many foreigners) in Northern Syria leave the country  unable to rebuild or to meet the needs of the people.  If our attention[…]

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The Return of the Taliban

by Vijay Prashad, published on Consortium News, August 18, 2021 On Aug. 15, the Taliban arrived in Kabul. The Taliban’s leadership entered the presidential palace, which Afghan President Ashraf Ghani had vacated when he fled into exile abroad hours before. The country’s borders shut down and Kabul’s main international airport lay silent, except for the cries of those Afghans who had worked[…]

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Palestinians Reject Land Theft

By Monica Moorehead posted on Workers World, February 3, 2020 Palestinian organizations have issued a strong joint condemnation of the so-called peace plan, aka colonial “deal of the century,” from the Trump administration.  It is supported by the racist, Zionist Israeli regime led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. This misnamed “Vision of Peace” announced by Trump Jan. 28 calls for[…]

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Lost count? Israel killed 43 Palestinians in November

If it feels like Palestinians are constantly dying, that’s because they are. 43 in November. 526 since Trump’s Jerusalem announcement 2 years ago – 111 of them children. Where in the world is the world? Reposted from Quds Network (December 2, 2019) and If Americans Knew A Palestinian statistics center documented the murder of 43 Palestinians by Israeli soldiers in November.[…]

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US Congressional Panel Plots Next Phase of Dirty War on Syria: Occupy Oil Fields & Block Reconstruction

by Ben Norton, published on The Grayzone, October 23, 2019 Despite President Donald Trump’s order of a partial withdrawal of troops from Syria, the United States’ regime-change war against the country continues in broad daylight. At a U.S. -funded think tank at the forefront of shaping Washington’s interventionist designs, an American official succinctly laid out the continued-regime change strategy. Dana Stroul,[…]

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The Syrian Army Defends Civilians in Northeast

by Steven Sahiounie, published on Mideast Discourse, November 4, 2019 Kurdish-dominated Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have continued to pull back as agreed, while the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and their Russian military allies have taken positions through much of the northeast of Syria, to counter the Turkish invasion.  There are clashes sporadically, and the Turkish backed sectarian militias have committed[…]

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Apartheid Made Official

The Deal of the Century is a Ploy and the Reality is Annexation by Dr. Ramzy Baroud, from, September 17, 2019 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is moving quickly to alter the political reality in Palestine, and facing little or no resistance. On September 10, Netanyahu declared his intentions to annex swathes of Palestinian land adjacent to the Jordan[…]

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Kushner as a Colonial Administrator: Let’s Talk About The ‘Israeli Model’

by Ramzy Baroud, Published in TeleSUR TV English, June 13, 2019 Palestinians do not need to be lectured on how to meet Israeli and American expectations, nor should they ever aspire to imitate the undemocratic Israeli model. In a TV interview on June 2, on the news docuseries “Axios” on the HBO channel, Jared Kushner opened up regarding many issues,[…]

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