Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Nicaragua, with Free Health Care and Education, Challenges U.S. Domination

by Sara Flounders, published on Workers World, October 20, 2021 The reason Nicaragua is labeled an “unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security of the U.S.” – a military corporate superpower – became abundantly clear to a delegation visiting the country Oct. 3 to 10. The delegation was organized by the Alliance for Global Justice/Nica Network. Nicaragua, a small[…]

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U.S. Delegation Demands: Defend Nicaragua!

Published on Workers World, October 11, 2021 From Managua, Nicaragua Nicaragua’s Alliance for Global Justice delegation visited Nicaragua to learn about the advances of the Sandinista government over the last 15 years. The object of the visit was to counter the tsunami of false information daily churned out by the U.S. State Department and its allies in the national and[…]

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Indigenous People’s Day Reminds Us To Acknowledge And Support Indigenous Struggles

by Margaret Flowers, published on Popular Resistance, October 21, 2021 Today is Indigenous Peoples Day. Across the country, a growing number of cities and states are recognizing this day in place of the traditional Columbus Day. This change reflects the growing awareness that holidays like Columbus Day are used to rewrite the past and uphold institutions of white supremacy, racism[…]

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Nicaragua: Pandemic Recovery, New Elections Follow Defeat of U.S. Coup Attempt

Fightback News, June 16, 2021 Interview with Nicaraguan Sandanista Fight Back!: What organization are you a member of? Rosalía Bohórquez: Sandinista Youth Fight Back!: How has the experience with COVID-19 been in Nicaragua? Bohórquez: Nicaragua took a preventive attitude since the very beginning of the global pandemic. Thanks to the public health system, a community model, we succeeded in an[…]

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Nicaragua and the Western Human Rights Industry

by Stephen Sefton, Tortilla Con Sal, published on TeleSUR English, April 9, 2021 John Heartfield’s famous photomontage of a newspaper cabbagehead had the caption “Whoever Reads Bourgeois Newspapers Becomes Blind and Deaf!” The caption is even more true now as the 21st Century moves into its third decade. Western reporting of all kinds is strained through the filters of corporate-dominated intellectual managerial[…]

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Biden’s ‘Plan’ for Central America

by Ben Norton, published on Consortium News, March 10, 2020 The Biden administration has prioritized Central America in its foreign policy, developing a comprehensive plan that pledges $4 billion in funding for the impoverished region, along with foreign corporate investment, in return for aggressive neoliberal “free market” reforms. According to the Biden administration’s program, Central American governments will be required to[…]

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The Social and Cultural Accomplishments of the Sandinista Model in Nicaragua

by the Nicaraguan Government, published on TeleSUR English, May 29, 2020 In the entire history of Nicaragua, it is only with the two governments of the Sandinista Front, that the popular interests of the great majority, that are poor, have been prioritized. The strength of the Sandinista Model is based on characteristics and results. The characteristics are that the FSLN[…]

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Whitewashing Neoliberal Repression in Chile and Ecuador

by Lucas Koerner, published on FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting) October 23, 2019 Throughout Latin America and the Caribbean, people are rising up against right-wing, US-backed governments and their neoliberal austerity policies. Currently in Chile, the government of billionaire Sebastian Piñera has deployed the army to crush nationwide demonstrations against inequality sparked by a subway fare hike. In Ecuador,[…]

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NicaNotes: A Gringo in the Plaza: 40 Years of Sandinista Struggle

David Archuleta Jr., National Co-Coordinator AFGJ (Alliance For Global Justice), July 14, 2019 Not even the mosquito-rich Managuan heat could stop the onrush of Nicaraguans from every department in the country to the Plaza de la Fe. They came adorned with FSLN hats, #danielsequeda t-shirts, red and black on every possible accessory. Thousands came by bus, cramming every seat and[…]

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NICA-Act-2: US NICA Act Aims to Cut Nicaragua Access to Capital While Nicaragua Targets US Funding Pipeline to the Opposition

by Chuck Kaufman, from NicaNotes, December 19, 2018 The Nicaraguan government removed the legal standing last week of nine non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that supported the attempted coup that disrupted much of the country for three months last spring and summer. It should also be remembered that Violeta Chamorro removed the legal standing of nine NGOs when she was president from[…]

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