Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Biden Continues Trump’s Policies on Refugees

by  Barry Shepherd, published on Socialist Action, July 11, 2021 Despite promises made during his election campaign, Biden in office is continuing Trump’s policies on refugees fleeing the horrific conditions in Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, conditions flowing from U.S. imperialist policies. An article in the June 26 New York Times reported, “Human rights and immigration advocates have assailed the Biden administration[…]

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Biden’s ‘Plan’ for Central America

by Ben Norton, published on Consortium News, March 10, 2020 The Biden administration has prioritized Central America in its foreign policy, developing a comprehensive plan that pledges $4 billion in funding for the impoverished region, along with foreign corporate investment, in return for aggressive neoliberal “free market” reforms. According to the Biden administration’s program, Central American governments will be required to[…]

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