Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Anti-Coup Rebellion In Eastern Ukraine Completes 10 Years

by Dmitri Kovalevich, published on Popular Resistance, May 8, 2024 As Russian Forces Continue Advancing In Donetsk. April 2014 was a pivotal month for the people of the Donbass region in what was then still part of Ukraine. It was then that the governing regime was newly installed in Kiev by a coup d’état on February 20/21embarked on military hostilities[…]

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Strong Message on Ukraine From a Blog Reader

by David O., published on Bruce Gagnon’s Organizing Notes, October 30, 2022 Just want to relay how much I appreciate and rely on reading “Organizing Notes.” Especially enjoyed your thoughts in the post, October 16, 2022, entitled: Seasons Change and So Did I. Your call for clear-headed analysis and incisive expression in this crucial moment we find ourselves in —[…]

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The Fantasy of Fanaticism

by Scott Ritter, published on Consortium News, June 25, 2022 The overwhelming hypocrisy of NATO laid bare.  [jb] For a moment in time, it looked as if reality had managed to finally carve its way through the dense fog of propaganda-driven misinformation that had dominated Western media coverage of Russia’s “Special Military Operation” in Ukraine. In a stunning admission, Oleksandr[…]

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‘God Will Sort Them Out’: Ukrainians of Donbass Beg NATO to End War

by Fergie Chambers, published on Towards Freedom, May 25, 2022 DONETSK, DONETSK PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC—The Russian “special military operation” in Ukraine reached its 90th day and the Western press continues to be inundated with unverified claims of war crimes Russian forces allegedly have committed. Accusations have been lodged against the Russian military for mass graves in Bucha, a narrative which has[…]

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Former NATO Military Analyst Blows the Whistle on West’s Ukraine Invasion Narrative

by Jacques Baud, published on Scheerpost, April 9, 2022      (Initially published on the French Intelligence Research Center  in French) PART ONE: ON THE ROAD TO WAR For years, from Mali to Afghanistan, I worked for peace and risked my life for it. It is therefore not a question of justifying the war, but of understanding what led us to it. I[…]

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The Escalating Crisis in Ukraine Poses an Imminent Threat to World Peace!

Statement by U.S. Peace Council, January 2, 2022 For weeks, the U.S. corporate media have been shrill in declaring that Russia, having positioned tens of thousands of Russian troops on the border, may be about to invade Ukraine. U.S. State Department spokesmen have been threatening Russia with punishing economic sanctions if there were an invasion. Daily, if not hourly, TV[…]

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U.S. and Their Nazi Puppets in Ukraine Threaten War with Russia

by NOWG, published on Workers Voice, November 25, 2021 Fascist U.S. War Profiteers Are the Real Danger, Not Russia According to Avril Haines, the former head of the CIA and current director of national intelligence, Russia is on the verge of invading Ukraine. This is yet another lie brought to you by the same people who falsely claimed that Iraq had weapons of mass[…]

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Ukrainian President Zelensky calls on NATO as Russian Press Warns of War

by Clara Weiss, published on World Socialist Website, April 6, 2021 Seems like there is a dangerous situation brewing here.  NATO -under U.S. leadership- is encouraging, and maybe even planning to openly participate in a new war on Russia’s border, possibly on Russia (Crimea is now Russian Territory).  Talk about playing brinkmanship:This is insanity.  [JB] On Tuesday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr[…]

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Warning sign to Anti-War Movement: Behind Assassination of Donetsk Leader

Image: Alexander Zakharchenko (center) during the battle of Debaltsevo in Feb. 2015. By Greg Butterfield, published on Workers World, September 3, 2018 Alexander Zakharchenko, prime minister of the anti-fascist Donetsk People’s Republic, was assassinated on Aug. 31 when an explosion ripped through the Separ restaurant in the capital city of Donetsk. Zakharchenko’s bodyguard, Vyacheslav Dotsenko, was also killed. Twelve other[…]

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Letter from Charlottesville to Ukraine

by David Swanson, first published on, Jan 15, 2018 Nazi rallies in the news in recent years have most prominently been held here in Charlottesville, Virginia, USA, and in Ukraine. I want to send thoughts of solidarity to those in Ukraine resisting fascism. And I want to let you know that some of us are urging our government in[…]

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