Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

The Ongoing Infowar Against Cuba: From the Moncada Assault to the Embargo

by Nino Pagliccia, published on CounterPunch, July 26, 2022 Cuba has a harsh and long history from the days of the Spanish colonisation, the killings of indigenous people, slavery, etc. that finally took a major turn for socialist gains in the mid-20th century. Cubans fought two wars to become independent from Spain in the 19th century. Those wars were the[…]

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U.S. Supreme Court Attacks Tribal Sovereignty – Again

by Will H.K. James and W. James, published on Workers World, July 18, 2022 Another disturbing decision from today’s reactionary supreme court which, during the same session, landed a lethal blow on a woman’s right to control her own body, on EPA regulations reflecting the public’s desire to protect the environment from the byproducts of corporate greed, and on  state’s[…]

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‘The Mouse Kills the Cat’: Augusto Cesar Sandino’s Rebellion Against the United States

by Dan Kovalik, published on MLToday, March 14, 2022 How Sandino fought for Nicaragua’s independence, lost and remained a hero for its people. Before Fidel Castro and Che Guevara, before Ho Chi Minh and before Mao began his Long March, there was Augusto Cesar Sandino. While Sandino is not a household name in much of the world, as these others[…]

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Ukraine: A Conflict Soaked in Contradictions and New Patterns in War and Media

by Vijay Prashad, produced by Globetrotter, March 5, 2022 Surprise and horror have defined the reaction to the Russian military intervention in Ukraine. That’s likely because although the intervention has followed the contours of a modern land war, it has also marked a break with the past in a number of ways. The world has become used to military interventions[…]

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Indian Farmers on the Frontline Against Global Capitalism

by Colin Todhunter, published on CounterCurrents, January 16, 2021 In a short video on the YouTube channel, a protesting farmer camped near Delhi says that during lockdown and times of crisis farmers are treated like “gods”, but when they ask for their rights, they are smeared and labelled as “terrorists”. He, along with thousands of other farmers, are mobilising[…]

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What’s behind Hong Kong protests?

By Sara Flounders , published on International Action Center, August 16, 2019 The demonstrations in Hong Kong, now an open confrontation with the People’s Republic of China, have a global impact. What are the forces behind this movement? What provides the funds and who stands to benefit? The increasingly violent demonstrations in Hong Kong are completely embraced and enthusiastically supported[…]

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Kushner as a Colonial Administrator: Let’s Talk About The ‘Israeli Model’

by Ramzy Baroud, Published in TeleSUR TV English, June 13, 2019 Palestinians do not need to be lectured on how to meet Israeli and American expectations, nor should they ever aspire to imitate the undemocratic Israeli model. In a TV interview on June 2, on the news docuseries “Axios” on the HBO channel, Jared Kushner opened up regarding many issues,[…]

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The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 70: Time to De-Colonize Human Rights!

by Ajamu Barka, published on Black Agenda Report, December 5, 2018 The post-WW II promise of human rights was a compact meant for white people only, but a People-Centered Human Rights framework seeks global liberation and transformation. “If human rights are to have any incredibility, any “universal” applicability, any value, they must be seized from the barbaric grip of European and[…]

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Puerto Rico Tribunal Verdict: U.S. Is Guilty Of Crimes Against Humanity

Image: Header from Puerto Rico Tribunal Facebook Page Editor’s note:  This post is composed of information from the Puerto Rico Tribunal Facebook Page, from information circulated by the Black Alliance for Peace, and from posts on The International Action Center ( IAC) website (prologue) and Popular Resistance Newsletter (followup). The following is a summary of the indictment prepared by Agusto[…]

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