Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Puerto Rico Shock and Awe Exposing Capitalism’s Criminality

by Raymond Nat Turner, Poet in Residence at Black Agenda Report           Water is life…and Saliva’s even in short supply… for drum-tight mouths, sandpaper throats. Yodeling bellies cave in on spines, as evil scents of sewage and death float in, Remaking an island into a spreadsheet. Cell towers, power lines tumbled like legos—electricity’s a distant memory—[…]

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US Provides Military Assistance to 73 Percent of World’s Dictatorships

By Rich Whitney, Truthout, Saturday, September 23, 2017 For decades, the American people have been repeatedly told by their government and corporate-run media that acts of war ordered by their president have been largely motivated by the need to counter acts of aggression or oppression by “evil dictators.” We were told we had to invade Iraq because Saddam Hussein was an[…]

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Syrian Victory, The Last Gate

By Judith Bello, Originally published on Deconstructed Globe Syria Has Won According to an interview by Kevork Almassian of Syriana Analysis with Lebanese reporter Marwa Osman, the SAA and their allies have now restored sovereignty to 85% of Syria,   This is a hard won victory, and worth celebrating.    The liberation of the great cities of Syria along with much of[…]

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Assad is Winning

by Margaret Kimberley of Black Agenda Report, reprinted from Freedom Rider  blog The five-year long regime change effort in Syria may soon be over and the United States and its allies will be the losers. The Syrian Arab Army broke the siege of Deir Ezzor, which was one of the last Daesh strongholds in the country. The neocon plot for American[…]

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Kaepernick and True Protest

Freedom Rider: Kaepernick and True Protest   by BAR editor and senior columnist Margaret Kimberley “What should have been a righteous protest in support of Kaepernick and, by extension, all black people was turned upside down and sapped of any significance.” National Football League quarterback Colin Kaepernick is getting the same treatment all black people do when they dare to[…]

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Social Media Fake News Campaigns Suffocate Public Discourse

By Judith Bello of People do need to understand how challenging the current environment is for everyone. I was talking yesterday to a friend about how the background information is becoming more and more difficult to access. Even alternative news sites have a cycle of sorts related to what information they focus on. Drone information in particular has been[…]

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Report From Charlottesville and Richmond

RICHMOND, VA, Aug. 14 — News of the brutal murder of 32-year-old Heather Heyer by a white supremacist in Charlottesville, Va., along with injuries to dozens of other people, has spread around the world. Solidarity statements are being issued from many countries. U.S. politicians of all stripes – with the notable exception of President Donald Trump – are condemning the[…]

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‘Cops and Klan, Hand in Hand’: Lessons of Charlottesville

By Sara Flounders posted on August 15, 2017 on Workers World Website  Flounders was a participant in the Aug. 12 Charlottesville, Va., anti-racist mobilization.   Heather Heyer’s last post: “If you are not outraged, you’re not paying attention.” The racist “Unite the Right” mobilization in Charlottesville on Aug. 12 exposed once again the collusion of the capitalist state, its repressive police agencies and[…]

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