Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Don’t Believe the Media Hype about Saudi Prince Mohammed Bin Salman

by Medea Benjamin, originally published on Voices for Creative Nonviolence, March 21, 2018 Saudi Arabia’s 32-year-old Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, heir to the Saudi throne after eliminating his rivals, is on a two-week whirlwind visit to the United States starting March 19. He plans to cement his ties to the Trump administration, shore up support for his war in[…]

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Hell On Earth

by Vijay Prashad, originally published on Frontline, India for 3/30 print publication. The tragic unravelling of Syria continues as the war there enters its eighth year. The country is impoverished, its economy is in disarray and its public finances are eviscerated. When the war ends, the reconstruction of infrastructure and society will be difficult. By VIJAY PRASHAD DISAGREEMENT reaches back[…]

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Dakota Access Pipeline Leak Technology Can’t Detect All Spills

The Standing Rock Tribe argues in a report that thousands of barrels of oil a day could leak into the Missouri River and not be detected by the company’s equipment. by Phil McKenna, originally published on Inside Climate News Nine months after oil starting flowing through the Dakota Access pipeline, the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe continues to fight the controversial[…]

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From the End of History to the End of Truth

by Tortilla Con Sal, originally published on the TeleSUR website, March 11, 2018 Non governmental organizations play a role in the Western elites’ offensive against resistance to them. Making nonsense of Fukuyama’s premature triumphalist screed, it is commonplace now to note that the United States corporate elites and their European and Pacific country counterparts are increasingly losing power and influence around[…]

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Blood on the Land in Brazil

by Gregory Duff Morton as published in Black Agenda Report, March 14, 2018 “The crimes appear to follow a simple, grim logic: kill the leaders.” Millions of Brazilians spent the evening of January 24 watching a courtroom on television. Three judges were scheduled to announce a verdict in the corruption case of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, the country’s former[…]

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Climate Change and Class Struggle

A symbol of Cuba’s Tarea Vida (LifeWork) initiative against climate change catastrophe. By G. Dunkel originally posted on Workers World, March 13, 2018 Workers and their allies throughout the world argue that it is possible to make climate, meaning the patterns of daily weather events, less violent, less dangerous, more comfortable, more human. Their bosses argue that come what may[…]

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A Conversation Daniel Patrick Welch

by Danny Haiphong, originally published on Black Agenda Report’s Independent Journalist Corner, March 7, 2018 “Americans—even ‘woke’ ones—don’t know jack about their own history: the violence, the terror on behalf of white supremacy is simply a bottomless pit.” This week I spoke with journalist and political analyst Daniel Patrick Welch (Donal Pádraig Breatnach). He is a writer of political commentary[…]

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Our Feminism Must be Anti-Capitalist

By CELESTE MURILLO and ANDREA D’ATRI, published on Socialist Action, March 8, 2018 “The socialist who is not a feminist lacks breadth. The feminist who is not a socialist lacks strategy.” — Louise Kneeland On March 8, 2017, women around the world marched through the largest metropolitan centers. The call for a global strike revived International Women’s Day—long relegated to[…]

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