Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Israelis Continue to Open Fire on Gaza Protestors: An Eyewitness Account

by Dennis Bernstein, originally published on Consortium News An Interview with Gaza-based Palestinian Journalist, Wafa Al-Udaini By Dennis J Bernstein According to the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR), the Palestinian death toll since March 30, 2018 “has risen to 33, including 4 children and 1 photojournalist, and the number of those wounded has risen to 2,436, including 410 children,[…]

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Dear Salafist Wahhabist Apologists

Paul has written a response to a rather insulting article by Mehdi Hassan that was published in the Intercept.  Like many of us, Paul is disappointed by a certain thoughtlessness and lack of integrity displayed by certain articles on The Intercept. especially regarding Syria.  ~Editor by Paul Larudee, originally published on Dissident Voice, April 21, 2018 Your head chopper heros[…]

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Trump and the Neocons

From Workers World Just hours before he ordered the missile strikes on Damascus on April 13, President Trump granted a pardon to Lewis “Scooter” Libby. It was a signal to all those in his administration now complicit in war crimes that Trump has their backs. Libby never served time, but was convicted of a complicated scheme involving the neocons in[…]

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The Militarization of American Science

by Cliff Connor, originally published on Socialist Action Following World War II, a think tank named the RAND Corporation took the lead in formulating policies guiding military-industrial Big Science. Some of the titles of books and articles about RAND provide a hint of what it represented in the public imagination: “The Think Tank that Controls America,” “America’s University of Imperialism,”[…]

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No Stopping Protests Against Philadelphia Orchestra’s Israeli Tour

by Betsey Piette, originally published on Workers World, April 24, 2018 For the third week in a row, demonstrators gathered outside the Kimmel Center in Philadelphia on April 21 to protest the Philharmonic Orchestra’s planned visit to Israel in June.  The visit is part of a “cultural tour” to celebrate the 70th anniversary of Israel’s occupation of Indigenous Palestinian lands.[…]

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Class war and imperialist war

Protesters face riot policemen while members of associations, unions and collectives, supporting migrants but also occupants of the ZAD (zone to defend) of Notre-Dame-des-Landes, demonstrate against evictions on March 31 in Nantes, western France. by Rémy Herrera posted on Workers World, April 24, 2018 April 22 — France is no stranger to strikes and demonstrations. But in this early spring,[…]

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Syria and Press Propaganda

by Margaret Kimberley, originally published on Black Agenda Report “Trump protects himself with war as Democrats and the rest of the ruling elite support his militarism.” It is difficult for Americans to find out what is happening in their country and around the world. That is because corporate media outlets have nearly complete control over what they see and hear[…]

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C.I.A. Color Revolutions

Color Revolutions are the latest US tool of social corruption and regime change, but they aren’t new.  The CIA has been fomenting them for years.   This article is long but if you want to better understand Color Revolutions, read on. by Javier Castro, originally published on , April 23, 2018 CIA color revolutions have rarely succeeded, but they are[…]

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Whose Afraid of Jerome Succor Aba

By Pamela Tau Lee I met Jerome last November 2017 while visiting the Philippines to participate in an international humanitarian and fact-finding mission on the human rights situation in the country. The mission included providing medical relief– vaccinations, medicine, and psycho-social counseling– in cramped and unsanitary evacuation centers holding hundreds of displaced Moro families from the city of Marawi in[…]

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