Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Samir Amin: A Vital Challenge to Dispossession

Samir Amin (1931-2018) was one of the world’s greatest radical thinkers – a “creative Marxist” who went from Communist activism in Nasser’s Egypt, to advising African socialist leaders like Julius Nyerere to being a leading figure in the World Social Forum. by Nick Dearden,  A segment of a Retrospective on Samir Amin Published on Pambazuka News, August 23, 2018 Samir[…]

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Canadian Indians Reject Oil Pipeline Project

Image: First chiefs conference, 1969. Image courtesy of UBCIC. Union of BC Indian Chiefs Condemns Canada’s “Ill-fated” Buy-out of Kinder Morgan Project from Fire This Time, August 2018 Today, as Canada takes possession of the controversial and ill-fated Kinder Morgan pipeline and tanker project, Indigenous leaders renew vows to enact their rights as proper title holders by protecting their territories[…]

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National Prison Strike Enters Week Two

by Terri Kay, originally published on Workers World, August 28, 2018 Prisoners across the country are striking in response to an April 15 prison-guard-incited riot at Lee Correctional Institution, a maximum-security prison in Bishopville, S.C. Seven prisoners were killed in what was the deadliest prison riot in 25 years. A network of self-taught legal scholars called Jailhouse Lawyers Speak issued[…]

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Ocasio-Cortez and Sanders praise McCain: An object lesson in the politics of the pseudo-left

by Joseph Kishore, originally published on World Socialist Website, August 28, 2018 Amidst the outpouring of praise from all sections of the political establishment for Republican Senator John McCain, who died on Saturday, two statements stand out. The first was from Vermont senator and former presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, who tweeted: “John McCain was an American hero, a man of[…]

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Being Pro-Palestinian Doesn’t Make Jeremy Corbyn an Anti-Semite

by As’ad AbuKhalil, originally published on Consortium News, August 22, 2018 In the last few decades, public opinion in the West has shifted from the early, post- World War II period. Support for Israel has declined while support for the Palestinians has increased. This shift has been particularly pronounced among youth, especially those who are liberals or leftists. The view[…]

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John McCain: A Reactionary Bigot to the End

by Steve Xavier, originally published on Socialist Action, August 27, 2018 John McCain, the right-wing U.S. Senator, and war criminal, from Arizona, has died after a struggle with brain cancer. More recently, McCain has been a thorn in the side of Donald Trump’s presidency on certain aspects of policy. Predictably, liberals and social democrats have joined with conservatives and centrists[…]

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Prison Strike 2018

by Margaret Kimberley, originally posted on Black Agenda Report, August 29, 2018 Inmates in states across the nation are on strike against the world’s largest and most racist prison system. Hopefully, they won’[t be betrayed by quisling civil rights misleaders, as in 2010. “The prison strike is a means of bringing attention to a system that is rotten and must[…]

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The American War Machine Continues to Grow and Seek Confrontation

U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis briefs members of the media on Syria at the Pentagon April 13, 2018 in Arlington, Virginia. (Photo: Alex Wong/Getty Images) by Vijay Prashad, from Commmon Dreams, August 2, 2018 Last week, on July 26, the United States House of Representatives passed the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act, which will then go on to the U.S.[…]

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