Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

History Demands: Turn Imperialist Wars into Wars Against Imperialism

by Ajamu Barka, published on CounterPunch, November 5, 2019 “Now is the time to throw off all hesitation, open up new fronts of struggle and to launch every protest, demonstration, and anti-imperialist action – from the ballot box to the barricades – as an act to deepen the crisis of imperialism. “Every protest against police and white civilian murder of[…]

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URGENT CALL TO ACTION: Support the UN Resolution Against Unilateral Coercive Measures

Posted by People’s Mob Dear Friends of Peace and Justice, As you are well aware, for decades the U.S. government and its European allies have been illegally using unilateral economic sanctions (“Unilateral Coercive Measures”) as a weapon of war and mass destruction to topple governments that do not submit to the U.S. and European states’ domination of their country. The[…]

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The United States Has Produced Very Few Anti-Imperialists; Noam Chomsky is Not One of Them

by Stephen Gowans, published on Stephen Gowan’s Blog, November 3, 2019 Imperialism has penetrated the fabric of our culture, and infected our imagination, more deeply than we usually think.—Martin Green. [1] [Americans] have produced very, very few anti-imperialists. Our idiom has been empire.—William Appleman Williams. [2] In a recent Intercept interview with the beautiful soul Mehdi Hassan, Noam Chomsky resumed[…]

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China Breaks the Western Debt Stranglehold on the World

by Peter Koenig, published on Countercurrents, November 3, 2019 The west has colonized, exploited, ravaged and assassinated the people of the Global South for hundreds of years. Up to the mid-20th Century Europe has occupied Africa, and large parts of Asia. In Latin America, though much of the sub-Continent was “freed” from Spain and Portugal in the 19th Century –[…]

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The Imperial Propaganda Machine: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

by Caitlin Johnstone, published on The Medium, November 5, 2019 It’s important to avoid fake news, Russian media or conspiracy theorists. We must only trust those reputable news outlets who tell us that neoliberalism is working fine, that US foreign policy is perfectly sane, and that protests are only happening in Hong Kong and nowhere else. The difference between state[…]

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By Trying to Silence Sanders, the Corporate Media De-Legitimize Themselves

Sanders has been made into a non-person, and his proposals routinely distorted, because the corporate media want Americans to meekly submit to the Race to the Bottom. “The system was suffering a crisis of legitimacy: nobody believed the official narrative anymore.” Bernie Sanders’ campaign has finally gone full-throat with the obvious: the Democrat-aligned corporate media have thrown all journalistic principles[…]

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Beirut is Burning

by Andre Vltchek, published on Countercurrents, October 30, 2019 Tires are burning, smoke is rising towards the sky. It is October, the 18th day of the month, the capital city of Lebanon, in the past known as the “Paris of the East”, is covered in smoke. For years I was warning that the country governed by corrupt, indifferent elites, could[…]

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Understanding the Chicago School Strike … and Why it’s Different

by Paul Elitzik, published on Considered Sources, October 25, 2019 You have to go beyond the news media coverage of the school strike to understand its significance. The reporting reduces the strike to a conflict over particular demands, a power struggle between an “interest group” and the city. But this gets it very wrong. Teachers are not just another interest[…]

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Protests Across the U.S. Tell Greyhound: ICE Off Our Buses!

Workers World, October 29, 2019 Demonstrations targeting Greyhound for its collaboration with Immigration and Customs Enforcement took place in a national day of action in cities across the U.S. on Oct. 25. The coordinated actions were in response to a call from a coalition of organizations, including Fight for Im/migrants and Refugees Everywhere (FIRE), Laundry Workers Center, Street Vendors Project[…]

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Syria: Exposing Western Radical Collaboration With Imperialism

by Ajamu Baraka, published on Black Agenda Report, October 16, 2019 “Western radicals must take a consistent anti-imperialist position despite the internal contradictions or problems that existwithin a state in the Global South.” Despite so many self-defined radicals’ reading and claims to understand Gramsci’s corrective to Marxism-Leninism’s mechanistic understanding of the relationship between the base and the ideological superstructure, the ease[…]

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